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Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 1:49 pm
by gekk0lias
I really dont get the armor thing in Morrowind.

Im a lvl 50 now and am top dog in three guilds yet still have no clue of what the best!

Looking at the number beside it, glass armor seems the best with 100-200 ish,

Why do people think daedric armor is better when for instance a daedric sheild is 90 ish armor compared to a glass sheild 170 ish?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 3:58 pm
by Raist
well it depends i beleive on if you are playing a premade class, when i found some daedric armor with my warrior it was up really nice and the best i could find but when i found the daedric as a thief class it was only like 9ish armor factor, i think it makes it so that if your a thief you dont end up using the wrong type of armor... but that might be wrong

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:25 pm
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by gekk0lias
I really dont get the armor thing in Morrowind.

Im a lvl 50 now and am top dog in three guilds yet still have no clue of what the best!

Looking at the number beside it, glass armor seems the best with 100-200 ish,

Why do people think daedric armor is better when for instance a daedric sheild is 90 ish armor compared to a glass sheild 170 ish?

The armor rating that is reflected for each class of armor (heavy, medium or light) is dependant on your skill in wearing them. So if you have 50 skill points in light and 10 in heavy the light glass armor will appear better than heavy ebony armor. You can only compare armor ratings properly if all your armor skills are the same. For that matter, you may even be better off without armor if you have high points in the Unarmored skill. Personally I like to wear mostly glass with a legendary cuirass (either the light Savior's Hide, medium Ebony Mail or heavy Dragonbone armor) and Oreyn Bearclaw's helm and some nice tower shield either glass or deadric with an enchantment. For boots I usually go with Boots of the Apostle both for the armor rating and the levitation enchantment. I go mostly with light armor so I can run faster and jump further without sucking up fatigue points. With heavy armor you really need to put a lot of CE Fortify Strengh enchantments on items which I find counterproductive. I travel light with a bow and wakasashi mostly for weapons and rely on agility and speed more than strength.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 8:55 pm
by ObsidianReturns
So where do you find these sweet cuirass's, boots and such?

I have yet to find any great pre made magical items. I've had to make my own, and it is rather pricey.

Speaking of pricey, are there any merchants in the game who have enough gold to buy the really expensive stuff from you?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 9:45 pm
by Sojourner
There are only a few merchants in the game with a lot of money - the Creeper, the Mudcrab merchant, and IIRC, a trader in the Zainab camp. If you have Tribunal, there are several merchants with a lot of money in Mournhold. I save the really high-value items for selling to enchanters after they make something for me.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:42 pm
by UncleScratchy
Originally posted by ObsidianReturns
So where do you find these sweet cuirass's, boots and such?

I have yet to find any great pre made magical items. I've had to make my own, and it is rather pricey.

Speaking of pricey, are there any merchants in the game who have enough gold to buy the really expensive stuff from you?

You find them by exploring deadric ruins and tombs and by doing quests for all the guilds and cults. For example, Boots of the Apostle is an Imperial Cult quest and a tough one for lower level characters (lots of deadra to fight). Saviors Hide and Dragonbone armor have to be found by exploring, thieving, etc. Ebony Mail is a very high Temple quest (not that hard but getting to that level is a hard and long road). Oreyn Bearclaws helm and the Goldbrand sword are given you as rewards from deadric gods for doing their bidding. If you want exact locations and quests you need to do let me know and I'll post the spoilers. Soon you will be rolling in gold, deadric weapons, ebony and glass armor and grand soul gems so don't worry about it. I spend every dime I make on training and enchanted items as fast as I make it. There is really not much else to do with the money and you will find much better stuff than you could ever buy.