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Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 11:05 am
by Mary Willis
Ever since I cleaned out the Goblin Fortress Exterior my Ranger won't quit trying to kill my fighter! What do I do???? :confused:

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 4:32 pm
by lightningpig
It is likely that one of the enemy spellcasters was able to cast one of the following spells on you: Animal Rage or Beltyn's Burning Blood. These spells can cause your characters to go berserk, hence making them attack whoever is nearest. You could either drag everyone back to Ennelia and rest out the spell's effects or you can move everyone in your party away from your ranger and wait it out.

There is also a remote possibility that your fighter was charmed during the battle and is considered by your party members to be a hostile, and thus they see fit to attack him/her - if this is the case, then the second remedy from the previously mentioned would be the solution to this.

If your character is berserk, there will be a little jagged line symbol on his portrait (similar to the Heroic Inspiration icon). Remember that the spells that can cause a character to go berserk force them to make a saving throw every turn for the duration of the spell to see if the spell takes effect, so you might not always see the berserk icon there.

If your character is charmed there will be a little swirl icon on his portrait.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:13 am
by Stilgar
Or could it be they both fancy you're cute looking rogue?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 1:04 am
by lonely wolf
Originally posted by Stilgar
Or could it be they both fancy you're cute looking rogue?
LOL!!! :D this IS a good one... :D

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:11 am
by Mary Willis
lol Interesting idea! Of course my ranger is a buxom red-headed human female, my fighter is a rather dark skinned male shield dwarf, and my rogue is a sinister looking male tiefling, so I think maybe that would be a rather odd romantic triangle hee hee hee.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 1:15 am
by Mary Willis
Of course my fighter could have made one too many passes at my ranger and pissed her off. On the other hand, maybe she has a thing for him and caught him making passes at my paladin or my cleric (both rather nice looking girls).