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How do you defeat iron golems????

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 1:08 pm
by Chaotic Good
I tried spells and weapms with blungening damage but I can't even scratch them when I hit them.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 4:23 pm
by lightningpig
You need +3 or better weapons to damage them. I suggest you go out to the caves and buy +3 weapons from the Underdark merchants (more specifically Heggr Splitsteel). Even with those weapons it'll still be a bit tough to beat them.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 8:11 am
by Krysalyn
they are immune to most, if not all, magic...

fire spells actually heal them...

lightning spells slow them down...

and they have something like 50/+3 dmg reduction, so unless you have +3 weapons, you likely wont even scratch them...

what I did was this:

summoned about 4-5 undead

bunched them up on the ramp leading to the entrance to the underdark

then sent my thief to unlock and steal the items (which, btw, the items are not that great, the real prize is the experience from killing the golems) and run back to the party...

before this, I had all of the characters equip ranged weapons of +3 or better enchantment (mostly stuff from completing battlesquares... throwing axe of shocking burst, +5 bolts, +5 arrows, etc...)

then, as soon as the frontmost golem is engaged, my party attacks it with ranged weapons... this way, none of them are in the poisonous cloud from the breath attack, and the undead is taking the beating...

what usually happens is that I can take out two of the golems before the undead are gone, which leaves only 2 of them, and my party without a scratch (usually)

I then engage one of the golems in melee with a tank or two, and continue to hammer at it with ranged weapons... if my tank gets too low on hp, the cleric heals him...

after the third golem goes down, then everyone focuses on the last golem...

the key, imho, is to not engage all 4 golems at once, and to concentrate your firepower on one golem at a time, to reduce their ability to deal damage to you...

I think I got somewhere around 2500 exp for each golem wtih a party of avg level 12 or so...

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:18 pm
by Chaotic Good
Thanks. My characters are around level 11 and 4 of them now have +3 weapons. What happens is I get slaughtered. I concentrat my memembers on one Iron golem at a time. But I can only take out maybe two of them before my whole party gets killed.

I will try just one fighter on a golem and keep the rest of my party a further back.

I'll try summoning undead, all the other creatures that I summoned where only good for cannon fodder.

My theif took the loot and it wasn't anything special.

The experience 2700 per Iron golems rocks. I'll give it another shot or two before I give up. If my cleric or wizrd can conjour undead than I will attempt that too.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 2:36 am
by Ysen
Just whoop the Iron Gollems asses. Use haste, prayer, bulls strength, champion strength on your fighters (clerics/ druids/ thiefs) and just chop them up in to pieces. I never use summons to kill them, just my party (gives me more sattisfaction). Remember to stay away from their really annoying gasclouds. When you do that it will be a piece of cake.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 11:11 am
by insanity5000
i loath iron golems at that part a just sent every one to the underdark enterense and and hasted one one my caricters and sent him to get the stuff and then ran like crazy

Chicken plan but i spent 3 days fighting them and gave up