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Yuan-ti Temple: ASHRA'S CHAMBER, Please Help

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 3:43 pm
by Chaotic Good
I can't get in. There is no entrance, my thief serched for one but I still didn't find an entrance.

When the screen goes black and it says the ritual has started or the ritual has stopped I haven't found an oppertunity to enter her chanber and I have hung out by the recruits near the entrance North of her chamber.

if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 4:32 pm
by lightningpig
If you refer to the map from the Gamebanshee walkthrough you will easily find the entrance to Ashra's Chamber (marked 3 on the map) - it is right past the fire trap room. In fact, if you just walk around the map uncovering everything, it's pretty hard to miss this area as there is a large gathering of Viper's Fang Assassins and Coiled Cabal Disciples.

From the temple entrance, go west until you reach the wall, go north until the first intersection, go all the way west to the edge of the map, go down the corridor until you find a door to the south (this is midway through the corridor). Through the door is the fire trap, have your thief run straight to the lever and disarm the trap. In the southeast corner of the fire trap room is the entrance to Ashra's Chamber.

It should suffice to say that if you have a thief there are no inaccesible areas in the Yuan-ti Temple. Just remember to disarm the traps in the fire and acid trap rooms when you spring them.