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ne help with portrait directory

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:06 pm
by superfunk08880
i need help getting the portrait files to wrok for the game!!!!! :confused:

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 2:33 pm
by lightningpig
Your large portrait should be named:

XXXXXXXL.bmp (max 8 characters, must end in 'L', bitmap format)
210x330 pixels 24 color

Your small portrait should be named:

XXXXXXXS.bmp (max 8 char, ends in 'S', bmp)
42x42 pixels

In your IWD2 directory, there should be a folder named 'Portraits', put your small and large portraits in there and they should be game-ready.

To access them, when creating/customizing your character, when selecting your portrait, there is a 'Custom' button beneath the picture, click there and it should be pretty straightforward from then on.

For example:

If I had potraits for the Pony of Evil:


(notice I can't call it evilponyL.bmp because that would be 9 characters, and IWD2 would not recognize it)

I would put them in my IWD2 directory:

C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Icewind Dale II\Portraits\

And I should be good to go.

If you have any more questions, let me know.