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Who was the Master of Torgal??

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 10:44 am
by Stilgar
When you meet Torgal in The keep, he says that he serves a "stronger" one, who was that?
Or is this an unfinished quest?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 11:22 am
by Craig

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 12:02 pm
by Stilgar
And why would J. (if that's who you mean) invade a keep using trolls when he can grab whole spellhold by himself?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 12:08 pm
by Craig
Look i write things i don't know the answers

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 2:21 pm
by Luther
That's a good question! I never figured that out. My guess is it's part of the Nalia/d'arnise keep quests. I never reached the last quest of the keep so I never figured out what happened with the Lord Roenal dude. I think he was the guy behind Torgal. I wish I had more patience, I wanted to thrash that dude.


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 2:22 pm
by Luther
That's a good question! I never figured that out. My guess is it's part of the Nalia/d'arnise keep quests. I never reached the last quest of the keep so I never figured out what happened with the Lord Roenal dude. I think he was the guy behind Torgal. I wish I had more patience, I wanted to thrash that dude.


Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2001 4:24 pm
by Obsidian
Well, its not Johnny's style, but I can see Roenall

Oh Spoiler

Whatever. If you got this far you read the earlier spoiler warnings.

Maybe the drow, it would explain the Umberhulks and such

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 1:09 am
by Whailor
It definately wasn't Irenicus, and neither the Roenalls. Roenalls are laughable and weak. I did the keep quests all the way to the end, and the last thing you do with your keep is a war with Roenalls. Which was pretty laughable heh.. I just came from Underdark, my berserker was lvl 28 or 29 who single handedly put a total smack down to whole Ust Natha, has names such as Kangaxx, Firkraag and all the rest of the dragons on his kill list and has smacked heck knows what all else throughout the game, and then this puny Roenall comes with his band of comedians and calls it a war?? I slapped on couple of buffs, put on Boots of Speed, gulped a bottle of Oil of Speed and was upon them faster then a lightning. In a short time only Roenall was standing, since I planned to beat him up last. I wanted him to see his comedians die, to show how futile his attempt was, and let him be the last one. Heh, I even gave him 1 minute (RL) to attack me, to give him a small advantage.. But after he was slicing the air there for 1 minute, I grew tired and couple smacks later Roenall was chopped into sushi.

As for who is the "Stronger", then beats me. While playing with the dialogue options, I did get some additional dialogue paths but in the end, it will still come to blows without Tor'Gal revealing who is the "Stronger". There is absolutely no point for Irenicus to have anything to do with that keep and I think he's not tied to it in any way. Neither drow as such. Umber Hulks also hang around with Mind Flayers, but not a single Mind Flayer was present either. Yuan-Ti, well these worms can be with anyone and on their own.. One possible version is that Rakshasa's are behind that invasion - after all, the Flail of Ages is their product and as the description stated, the Rakshasa's have been "accidentally losing" the flail all the time and then tracing it down, since powerful items tend to get in the hands of powerful people, and powerful people will put up biggest fights. So it's possible that somewhere in his younger names Nalia's father got the flail and also learnt about it's "ability", so he disassembled the weapon. So it took some time to Rakshasa to track it down, more then usual, but eventually they did get it and sent their "pets" in.

It's as good a guess as any other :) In any case, it's unfortunate that there is no more information on this and that it's not tied to anything. At least the stronghold quest could eventually lead to the "Stronger" and result in some grand scale battle and such :D

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 9:27 am
by Stilgar
Could it be that the "stronger" is part of a quest that never made it to the final version in the game (just like the guarded compound, and the mindflayers in the sewers)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2001 5:56 pm
by sigurd
Of course it was Roenall. I cant see anyone else, it all makes sense.

So what if your level 38 characyer killed him, that quest was made for a party that was perhaps level 14.

The thing that really sucks with the quest is that you have to wait so long to return before new things happen

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 1:45 am
by Whailor
If these Roenalls would be some crazy casters of big power or heck knows what, then it would have made some real sense. But as it seems now, the Roenalls are not "strong" enough to warrant the Tor'Gal working for them. If they would be so "strong", I would have expected them to also put up bigger fight with more mobs on their side then they did. The trolls in the keep, when I was clearing it, put up 2-3 times more resistance then the Roenall and his comedians. Not to mention that they would have got all the lands anyway, as Nalia was bethrothed to Isea Roenall. As long as she would have wanted to stall the marriage, she still wouldn't be able to stall it for a prolonged time. Would the Roenalls be really so stupid in that case as to waste big cash to make the Tor'Gal work for them (for he definately didn't work for a bread or because of a black eye), also bribe off the guards and many servants? Kind of too expensive. More likely Roenalls moved on after the invasion, because many things suddenly became beneficial to them and they tried to use the situation in their advantage.

But it's all a speculation. If these were Roenalls, then they are more stupid then they look; if these were Rakshasa, then it's some unfinished thing, same with something/someone else. Use your imagination :D

Quest itself is somewhat outstretched indeed, but I still like it like this more. Take for example the paladin quests, these are some small, easy sad quests and nothing else. Pretty pathetic.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 9:33 am
by TheDude
(sorry i didn't play the game much lately)
Who is this Roenall guy???
i played the game 4 times trough but i can't remember any one man who's calles Roenall.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 11:57 am
by Luther
Whailor, not sure what difficulty setting your on, but you might want to switch to hard or insane to bring your barbarian back down to earth. Unless you don't care and just like to win. :)

Dude--Roenall was Nalia's rival. The guy who tried to take her keep for herself. Only really a factor if your class can get the keep for a stronghold or if you have Nalia in your party. (and who does?) It's actually worth it to put her in your party temporarily later in the game because her side quests pop up almost instantly.

So what's the consensus? Nobody knows the true power behind Torgal? It's too bad the corporate mofos behind bioware cared too much about the bottom line and not about the game. We're all missing out on some great stuff. It's not as if they didn't make some serious $$$ on this thing. I mean jeez, look at us.


Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 1:45 pm
by Craig
What about Kalah "This is not what i was promised!"???Who was his supieor?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2001 3:28 pm
by TheDude
Originally posted by craig:
<STRONG>What about Kalah "This is not what i was promised!"???Who was his supieor?</STRONG>
that was J.I. of course.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2001 3:49 am
by Craig
Why'ed he do that a distraction?(hide it in plan site no one would think thats a real gold brick on the floor)

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2001 2:08 am
by Whailor
Spoilers possible
Why would J.I EVER care about the stupid circus in the first place? It was in no way tied to him, neither would have it held the main char back at all, neither would it ever had held back Cowled Fools and such. Heck there even wasn't any Cowled one investigating the place. Not to mention that J.I didn't even expect him to be "captured" by Cowled ones (not that his "capturing" hindered him much though).

It simply seems that there might have been more quests in the game, but they got left out for whatever reason. Like the Guarded Compound in Temple District. It had no tie to anything, Baldurash at least tried to tie it into the story of slavers, as well as the Twisted Rune too, which also didn't have any ties to anything (save the Hidesman quest, there were Rune assassins in basement).

It seems more that there were planned some more quests which simply didn't make it into the game. There are quite few such features, even in ToB (like special Bhaalspawn powers). Good thing that there are some people out there who try to make something out of it (like Badurash, TeamBG people and so on).

As for difficulty, then I play on standard difficulty. I see no point for me to crank the difficulty up to some weird level, I am no masochist. I like the BG2 games but I aint such a fan of it that I would sit behind it night and day. Higher difficulty to me would mean that I have "smarter" and "tougher" mobs in the game, not a goblin who will punch as hard as Adamantite Golem. That isn't "higher difficulty", that's stupid.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 8:14 pm
by moonbunny
The ''Stronger'' one

I think that Isaea was the one who put the Torgal up to it. Think about it: Torgal and his trolls are stupid right?(unless they're really good actors) Isaea must be some-what rich and pretty stupid if he thinks that he will gain access to the keep by 1st kidnapping Nalia, and then not succeeding, and 2nd attacking the keep thinking that he will win it, right? And back to the troll thing, seeing as they are so stupid, wouldnt they go for whatever amount of money Isaea was offering? And then, using what brains he's got, if the trolls did manage to kill you or get you away, couldnt Isaea kill them or send them away and then get his money back and the keep...? I dunno. I'm probably totally wrong, but it was a thought.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 11:53 am
by Casius
Vhailor, sorry, but everyone knows that fight is simple. It was obviously the Roenall's. Could it seem more simple to anybody? They wanted the keep for themselves, so they got the king killed.

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 4:04 pm
by dios
ehh...hold one minute here please.


Didn't TorGal say, when you speak to him, that his new master has shown him a new way with his sorcery? or something like that anyway...

? So i can't be the Roenalls they're fighters all of them, not the drow, mindflayers, or anyone. What about Firkraag?

That's my guess, Firkraag, the evil dragon...