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My thoughts on morrowind...

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 12:47 pm
by Echoes
Wow... This game is very differnted from what i had originally thought, but that doesn't make the game bad, far from it. This is a great game. I have only had this game for 1 full day, but here are a few things that i would have added/taken away

It doesnt seem to matter where i go, No one will sell magical longswords, iv seen sooo many shortswords with magic spells, but not 1.. not 1 damn longsword with magic. Maybe if you guys know where i can get a good one for a lvl 3-4 please tell me.

It would have been nice to have an option between A: automatcially getting to differnt cities using the silt riders, or being able to look at the surroundings and actually seeing youself riding the silt riders.

In some dungoens, i can take out the first guy fairly easily, but then the next guy kills me in 2-3 hits...

Its annyoing when you are a combat char, and unable to open any locks, Im sure later on this will change, but right now its fairly annoying. I know, if i want to open locks become a stealth char, and i did, but i like combat chars better.

The journal is very unorganized, I wish it could have been more like BG2 or NWN's journal.

I have already made to npc who will sell/buy good poor. I wish they had unlitmited amount of money.

It's a pain to have no idea what foods do because my alc is soo low. And i have no idea... NO idea how to raise it without training.

Moveing is soooo slow.I know it will become faster as i grow, but right now its a pain.

In some of the tombs/crypts there are these wraith lookings guys. I cant attack them because my weaposn doesnt harm them. I have no idea what kind of weapon harms them.

I wish there was a enemies health bar.

Here are a few questisn i hope you can answer...

Are their weapons that have magic, but not charges. like weapoisn that add +2 to stre. Or weapons that add fire dmg but that dont run out.

Where can i find a good magical longsword. keep in mind im only lvl 3

I seems like all the creatures i fun into, that i can hit with my plain weapon, i kill very easily. I'm fairly sure there is a way to increase difficulty, but i cant find out how, anyone know?

If you guys could please help me with my qustions i would be very greatful.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:08 pm
by Mortonic
You can find an enchanter to enchant any weapons you have (or armour) and you can use cast when strikes or cast when used. If you use the soul of a Golden Saint or a Winged Twighlight you can have item with a constant effect e.g. constant effect feather 50 pts

Like I said before you can enchant any weapon you want so enchant your current longsword with what you want.

With the patch there is a difficulty slider, it was not with the original game so you need the patch to change the difficulty

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:14 pm
by j0ckser
Originally posted by Mortonic
If you use the soul of a Golden Saint or a Winged Twighlight you can have item with a constant effect

Sorry, Mortonic; CE comes from Ascended Sleepers not Winged Twighlights.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:40 pm
by j0ckser
Originally posted by Echoes
It doesnt seem to matter where i go, No one will sell magical longswords, iv seen sooo many shortswords with magic spells, but not 1.. not 1 damn longsword with magic. Maybe if you guys know where i can get a good one for a lvl 3-4 please tell me.
Have patience. Check every crate, barrel, and basket. I cannot remember who sells what, but keep checking.
Originally posted by Echoes

In some dungoens, i can take out the first guy fairly easily, but then the next guy kills me in 2-3 hits...
That's why there are lots of rats and mudcrabs and kwama foragers - to practice.
Originally posted by Echoes
Its annyoing when you are a combat char, and unable to open any locks, Im sure later on this will change, but right now its fairly annoying. I know, if i want to open locks become a stealth char, and i did, but i like combat chars better.
Have patience.
Originally posted by Echoes
The journal is very unorganized, I wish it could have been more like BG2 or NWN's journal.
You aren't the first to complain.
Originally posted by Echoes
I have already made to npc who will sell/buy good poor. I wish they had unlitmited amount of money.
The first sentence doesn't make sense. As for unlimited funds, one of the purposes of the approach is to challenge you about acquiring funds. You should be always testing yourself with merchants - the more you test the better you do. Also note that their disposition towards you has a major impact on the transaction.
Originally posted by Echoes
It's a pain to have no idea what foods do because my alc is soo low. And i have no idea... NO idea how to raise it without training.
I have never been interested in alch, but from what I have learned: as you eat ingredients, you gain in alch. Acquire alchemical tools (motor & pestle, etc.) to create potions. As you create successful potions, your skill will rise.
Originally posted by Echoes
Moveing is soooo slow.I know it will become faster as i grow, but right now its a pain.
Have patience, dammit.
Originally posted by Echoes
In some of the tombs/crypts there are these wraith lookings guys. I cant attack them because my weaposn doesnt harm them. I have no idea what kind of weapon harms them.
Enchanted weapons of any kind ('cast when strikes' only) and silver or better (ebony, daedric, glass, dwarven?).
Originally posted by Echoes
I wish there was a enemies health bar.
Go to and download the SECOND patch. I'm surprised your version doesn't have the patch (perhaps your CD is an original).
Originally posted by Echoes
Are their weapons that have magic, but not charges. like weapoisn that add +2 to stre. Or weapons that add fire dmg but that dont run out.
Originally posted by Echoes
Where can i find a good magical longsword. keep in mind im only lvl 3
Some items in crates, etc. are leveled (meaning there's an item there that is set to your level), otherwise you'll find what you need when you need it. HAVE PATIENCE DAMMIT :D :D

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:49 pm
by jayc15
yea RPGs require a lot of patienceA LOT OF PATIENCE!!!

RPG means what---Pole Playing games

You a person that has a role to do something--and u always have to travel around the game to find then travel again to finish the role...patience y young friend patience(i hated y i was soo bad at everything that i almost broke my copy :(

luckly i had patience-- now im at lvl 89, finished the main quest and i have a house on odai plateau and running an eggmine business.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:50 pm
by jayc15
whoops pole means role srry :D :D

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:52 pm
by jayc15
ok the whole post is messed up i mean

u are a person that has a role in a game to do something for something or someone and ur always traveling around the game to find out what it is u have to do.Then after u find out what u ave to do- u have to travel around the game again to finish ur role or quest--RPG

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 7:27 am
by Mortonic
Originally posted by j0ckser
Oh Yeah.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 7:28 am
by Mortonic
Originally posted by j0ckser
Sorry, Mortonic; CE comes from Ascended Sleepers not Winged Twighlights.

I mean oh yeah

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:02 am
by Sojourner
Originally posted by Echoes
It doesnt seem to matter where i go, No one will sell magical longswords, iv seen sooo many shortswords with magic spells, but not 1.. not 1 damn longsword with magic. Maybe if you guys know where i can get a good one for a lvl 3-4 please tell me.

Its annyoing when you are a combat char, and unable to open any locks, Im sure later on this will change, but right now its fairly annoying. I know, if i want to open locks become a stealth char, and i did, but i like combat chars better.

The journal is very unorganized, I wish it could have been more like BG2 or NWN's journal.

Long swords - don't buy them; there are plenty to be found, and a magical one can found right at the beginning of the game - just follow the road west out of Seyda Neen

Locks - In most dungeons, one or more baddies will have keys; also search the barrels for opening scrolls

Journal - either of the expansions help with that

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 3:52 pm
by Enchantress
Originally posted by jayc15
whoops pole means role srry :D :D

Hi Jayc15

Just to let you know you can alter what you've posted by using the "edit" button at the bottom of the page when you view your own post again. You can do that any time.

That way you can go back and correct things, like saying "pole" when you meant to say "role". ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 9:37 pm
by jayc15
lol ok thank u enchantress