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help on building plug ins

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 10:27 pm
by jayc15
i really need some help building my own plug ins

i want to build my own plug ins, but i dont know the first step or the last step on building them.

i came across a mod saying that balmora is xpanded, andu go to such-such to get the contract to add any house or building to xpand balmora. but after i d/l it in the data files, it says it needs the tribinual and bloodmoon files.

every cool mod i come up wit is booldmoon required, tribinual required, and mostly, needs both, i dont want to spend more money on another freakin xpansion pack right now, and i wanna do something cool like that balmora xpansion.

if any of u xperts know how to use the construction set, PLZ HELP ME!!!
i wanna build my own plug-ins, thank u

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:40 am
by Sojourner
Check Morrowind Summit and Morrowind Files for tutorials. Links to those sites are posted in the The Morrowind Yellow Pages.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 5:48 am
by grogol this one helped me get started, highly recommended.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 1:52 pm
by jayc15
srry but the guys retired from morrowind, and doesnt have the tutorials anymore, and gave a link to elderscrolls site, but that doesnt really help me much i need xplaination bout every little thing, like how to move around in the render window, and stuff like that.