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Fission Jellies?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 6:41 pm
by Hellbringer555
Alright, I know it's explained in-game how to kill these bastages, but I've lost my copy of Elminster's Ecologies. So, can anyone give me the skinny on the best way to off the li'l buggers? They're multiplying like germs in a third-world country!

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 8:05 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by Hellbringer555
Alright, I know it's explained in-game how to kill these bastages, but I've lost my copy of Elminster's Ecologies. So, can anyone give me the skinny on the best way to off the li'l buggers? They're multiplying like germs in a third-world country!


You need to hit them with fire first. Whether it's with spells, fire arrows, or a magic weapon that adds fire damage, it depends upon what's available for you. Hope this helps.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:19 pm
by Coot
You'll find several copies of Elminsters Ecologies, so no permanent harm done.