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Custom Portraits?
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 3:30 pm
by CopperWater
I have no clue how to get them. I've read the instruction in the ReadMe file and I didnt understand it. I have portraits from another site but I have no clue how to upload them.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 4:55 pm
by Enchantress
Please tell us what you don't understand about it.
Custom Portraits:
The measurements for player portraits are 42x42 pixels for the smaller portraits (8-bit color runs faster but it can be up to 24 bit color), and 210x330 pixels for the larger portraits. To use a custom portrait, place it in the Portraits directory (in the install directory for the game) and add an S to the end of the small portrait name and an L to the end of the large portrait - otherwise the two names must be identical. The names must be 1-7 letters long, maximum - so the filename with the S or L added to the end is no longer than 8 total characters. The portrait files must be in BMP format.
For example:
XXXXXXXS.bmp for small (42x42, 8-bit)
XXXXXXXL.bmp for large (210x330, 24-bit)
For multiplayer, each player must have a copy of the portraits; otherwise they will see a blank icon instead of the other player's custom portraits. You will need to manually send these portraits to your friends as IWD2 has no method of transferring them.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:52 pm
by superfunk08880
ok hey i had the same problem well the thing is you ave to create a portrait folder in the icewinddale2 folder then all u have to do is save the picturtes as a bitmap fle then all u have to do is click custom portraitwhen ur playing the game
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 1:10 am
by Lord_Thew
Here is the deal, I set up a file in the icewinddale2 for portraits, sized them up and even saved them to a bmp file so they would work. It didn't, any help you can give me would be wonderful, I am really stumped on this.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:50 am
by Virgil57
Make sure that the names are not too long as stated in the above post, this has been the most common problem with my portraits in the past. If this is not the cause what program did you use to edit the portraits with? I think they have to be 24bit too, that may be your problem.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:48 pm
by Lord_Thew
Well, I took the pics off this sight from its photo archives, then I sent the files to paint, from paint I turned them into bmp files. The names are not to long. How would I go about changing the the bit, to 8 or 24. I sized them up with the height and width and still no change. I am really haveing a rough time with this, any help would be appreciated. Thanks for everyones time.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:46 pm
by Virgil57
If you open your image in paint and go file/save as... you have the option of changin the file type as well as the name of hte file. Make sure they are 24bit bmp pictures. Also, how can you be sure of the size of your pictures in paint (just curious). If this does'nt help post back and we'll try and fix your problem.
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:05 am
by Lord_Thew
Thanks for you help man, I really appreciate it.
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:04 am
by Virgil57
Good! =)