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some questions about tes construction set...

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:02 pm
by UserUnfriendly
2 questions...what happens when you create an item with a negative value? I found out a while ago that if you reduce the value of your equipped armor or clothing, to zero, that people will think you are I was going to create a mod that puts a high negative number the value of the item, so that once you put the ring on, npcs will think you're wearing a negative value on your clothes, so you can walk around morrowind, with all your armor and stuff, and npcs will react as if you are nakkid...hahhahhah!!!!!!!

does anyone know how to change the soul points value of a creature? I tried to change the soul point value of a golden saint, so soulcapturing one will charge a grand soul gem with 1000 points, but I couldn't find it in tes...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 2:23 am
by UserUnfriendly
actually this would in fact be an excellent mod..if some good modder wants to use the idea, just give me credits in the readme...I think my original idea of simply making an item with a high negative value would not probably would require a script or whatever to trigger the "walking around nakkid dialog" it would have to be a modded ring or amulet item...

hey...people like dwemer clocks and lawn jockey additions mods...why not a "stripper ring"???