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Darth Malak & Yoda
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 1:41 am
by -Darth Malak-
1. What Race is Yoda?!
Any Replies Greatly Apreciated
2. How did Malak lose his Jaw?!
Any Replies Greatly Apreciated
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 12:31 pm
by Pebz
1. What Race is Yoda?!
Yoda's Race is... officially unknown. George lucas either didn't make a name for it or choosed to keep it secret.
2. How did Malak lose his Jaw?!
No idea... a punch perhaps?
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:03 pm
by gomichigan24
i think malak hurt his jaw cause it is deterating away from his using the dark side
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 11:08 pm
by -Darth Malak-
My thoughts were that either he lost it to a light saber or he couldnt handle the power of the dark the force ate away at hiss skin until he made a custum fit electroncally advanced jaw peice to stop the force from getting any farther...
I guess Yoda is just a ?yoda?
isnt yodas first name minch or minich
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 12:35 am
by Pebz
Well, Yoda is not really "unique"... there are others of his race. One that comes to mind is
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 12:49 am
by -Darth Malak-
well theres also the head master of the jedi knights bt i forgot his name...i was just thinking that yoda was the most popular one
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:24 pm
by GuitarSam
I think his jaw started to really annoy him. Like mines really annoying me because it keeps like popping and getting stuck. Its really annoying and it kind of hurts. Maybe the samething happened to him. Or maybe it was growing wrong and the doctor gave hime a new electronic jaw. Its possible.
Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 8:13 am
by Léah
Maybe he had a wicked case of TMJ and in hid frustration, "removed" his own jaw
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 10:36 pm
by Lance Rahl
There is also Master Vandar that is actually in SW:KotOR.
(To those who didn't understand, it isn't Yoda in this game.)
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 6:54 am
by -Darth Malak-
yes we alll know thank yu for your wisdom O GREAT ONE
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:36 am
by Lance Rahl
I wasn't tryin' to sound crappy, to ya Mal.
The last post I read when I posted was the
one about Yaddle. :X
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:17 pm
by -Darth Malak-
Dark Side all the way
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:44 am
by kalcone
how does everyone know Malak lost his jaw?
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 12:24 am
by Sith Lord
Think about it, Malak is only mentioned in the game so far, no other star wars story has him in it. Like a part in a movie you didn't see, so you don't know what happened, just keep playing.
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 11:59 am
by Mattaeus
I looked up what I could on Yoda just becouse i could and you know there isnt anything on him as a species, but I also found out that there isnt anything on Darth Sidious either. In my understanding of this univers there has always been a "Yoda" species in the councile and a "Dark Lord" on the other hand....but of corse there is a Dark Lord you say! how else would there be a Dark side tormenting excintance! The same goes for the light side....when the last of the Jedi where all but dead, there was one left to pass on the teachings, Yoda...a 900 year old fosil.
Seems to me they are 2 of the same, Yoda, who has been forged my the light; and Sidious, who has been forged by the dark...It could very well be that both of them where once human only to be changed forever by that which is there fate.
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 5:11 pm
by Léah
At the risk of revealing my ignorance...
I thought darth sidious was the chancellor of the senate then later became the dark lord after forming the empire...?
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:35 pm
by Mattaeus
Sidious was the chancellor. He worked in the background under the vail of the councile where he brought people over to his couse.
Sidious was human..or so we think...He is the last of his species...a Sith, and through manipulation and abuse of the Jedi's naivety; used them to not only form a army of obidiant wariors, but also armed them and gave them a fleet that will one day cruch the Republic.
Now at one time like I said he was human....or looked like it, but over time he slowly changed....the color was taken from his skin, his eyes turned yellow and he became more and more unhuman.
Now I say that "Yoda", in the same way...has become what he is now over 100's of years. He is 900 years old give or take, and there is no mention of where he came from or what he is. It could very well be that he was once Human, and through mastering the force, it somehow changed him into what he is now.....
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 1:44 am
by Lance Rahl
Malak & KotOR
Originally posted by Sith Lord
Think about it, Malak is only mentioned in the game so far, no other star wars story has him in it. Like a part in a movie you didn't see, so you don't know what happened, just keep playing.
Technically, if you read through the manual and the stories connected from the game...this "story" took place four-thousand years before the movies, before Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi wan. Before Anakin and before Darth Sideous.
Just a little FYI
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 9:56 pm
by Léah
That's another thing that kind of bothers me. The Star Wars world really hasn't changed much in the past 4000 years. And in the game there are "ancient" computer panels. Over 4000 years, you'd think they'd make some technological advancements. At the very least you'd think the wardrobes would change...
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 12:56 am
by Sith Lord
Re: Malak & KotOR
Originally posted by Lance Rahl
Technically, if you read through the manual and the stories connected from the game...this "story" took place four-thousand years before the movies, before Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi wan. Before Anakin and before Darth Sideous.
Just a little FYI
I never said it took place at the same time as those movies. Read my post more carefully. I said that Malak was NOT in any other story so far in Star Wars, I was using the referace to a movie as a metaphore to show why he didn't know about Malak's disfigurement. He hasn't played far enough into the game to know, just like if you turn off a movie before it is over, you might miss something.