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Hlervu Locket

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 8:38 pm
by MommyTiger
Where exactly is the Hlervu Locket. I have looked three times in Venim's Manor but I can not see it. Please give detailed directions. Thank you. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 8:09 am
by j0ckser
Originally posted by MommyTiger
Where exactly is the Hlervu Locket. I have looked three times in Venim's Manor but I can not see it. Please give detailed directions. Thank you. :)

Have you tried the construction set? It will tell you exactly where to find it. Also try a search for that name on the forum - query has probably been answered.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 12:42 am
by Azzilla

The Hlervu Locket is in Ald-Ruhn under skar (big rock with all the manors in it) in the Venim Manor. Once in side the Venim manor go to the guards quarter there should be a bunch of doors on either side you'll find a door with a lock lvl 50 open the door go into the room then next to you (on your right) should be the Hlervu Locket hope you understand.