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I've been curious about this game.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 7:43 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
Hey there. I've read quite a bit of detail to wonder whether this game (along with Blades of the Banshee) would be worth getting. I like the idea of generating characters and the use of skills and feats. My exposure to 3rd Edition D&D is actually through Icewind Dale 2, though I've read some differences in rules implimentation (in available feats and all). I know it's single player, and that it's mainly multi-player, but the thing is, is there enough fun factor in single player?

The biggest questions I have are:
- How much fun could I expect to have if I hope to generally use the single player campaign?
- Is there anything along the lines of sub-races (as in ways to differentiate between moon elves, gold elves, or drow besides looks?), or faiths for clerics?
- Does the game require a certain graphics card? (Because my computer might not be able to handle it; I don't know for sure)
- How good is the single player gameplay compared to, say, Baldur's Gate 1 or 2, or Icewind Dale 2?

If I come up with any other questions, I'll give them whenever they do. Thank you for any help any of you may be able to provide.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:10 pm
by De_Priester
Originally posted by Galuf the Dwarf
The biggest questions I have are:
- How much fun could I expect to have if I hope to generally use the single player campaign?
- Is there anything along the lines of sub-races (as in ways to differentiate between moon elves, gold elves, or drow besides looks?), or faiths for clerics?
- Does the game require a certain graphics card? (Because my computer might not be able to handle it; I don't know for sure)
- How good is the single player gameplay compared to, say, Baldur's Gate 1 or 2, or Icewind Dale 2?

I found it very very boring after a while, it's just my opinion on the matter tho but after seeing the wicked graphics the game becomes dull. Because the levels and the quests are fixed and you go through the routine every time it becomes tedious and not really that replayable. I played three different characters and after a while just quit since it got so intensely linear. You walk one road and that's it, you got a few errand boy sidequests where you need to retrieve an item or two but nothing worth while. IMHO if you want to buy a game go buy BDG2 and it's expansion since that will most likely tie you down far longer especially since you got an entire world to explore there not just the same levels over and over.

As far as I remember there are no real subraces, come to think of it I'm pretty sure maybe there are one or two but not like icewind dale.

32 megs graphics card should do the thing.

The gameplay well I for one missed my friends, there is very very little interaction with other npc characters only a few quest giving characters but there are no friends no linked stories nor familair faces. If you played bdg2 then you will soon start missing your partymembers, the quests, the stories, the interaction, the fights and all of the sort. Imho it's eye candy the game, maybe some really good mods are out there but I think you want to play single player only and then well let's just say at this point I rather wish I had my money instead of the game. Don't get me wrong the game is fun but you can play through the game in a breeze, the quests are one sided there is no real good or evil option from start it's very very plain, the game was worked out well in graphics, sound and character creation (a fighter and mage looking damn wicked) but it won't amaze you or impress you like other games might.

Now please my point of view might be a little one sided but when it comes to an rpg like this I want a storyline, graphics are nice but after a while you have seen the same moves over and over and story combined with quests means replayability and this game does not have that.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:39 pm
by Xandax
If you only are going to play the single player official campaing modules I predict you will find it quite boring :D The fun of NwN is in my oppinion in its community (Singleplayer modules as well as multiplayer modules).
I didn't even finish the single player official campaing untill far after I got my game, because I'd rather play it multiplayer :D
The plot/story line is okay, but not innovative, the puzzles in this game are sooooo easy it is embarrasing :D . The Graphics are nice, some are very nice. The "AI" of allies and foes alike leaves for something to be wished for.

There are the "common" races and you can only name sub-races, and thus gaining the abilities of the "upper" race.
In the next expansion I think I read that Drow (*shudder*, don't know why people like these munchkin-races) will become a playable race.
There are something that can be compared to "faiths" so to speak for clerics, in 3rd edition they are expressed via some domains you can choose for your cleric, if roleplaying you would choose then one of your diety, or you can choose the power-combinations. Domains offer extra abilitites to your cleric.

GeForce/ATI chipset is needed, and I'd recommend a decent graphics card, but I think minimum were 32 megs of RAM.

In my oppinion it is better then IWD I(+expansion, never played/tried IWD2) - but then again; I never liked that game.
It is far inferiour to BG-series (also in my oppinion).

I will recommend NwN if you are into CRPGs, but I can't recommend it on the SP OC alone. The game shines more in multiplayer and via its community. (Although I would proberly have bought it myself even if only to play SP games) There are being made tons of additions out on the net.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:17 pm
by Aegis
@Xandax: Actually, among my script diving searches, I found a dynamic AI for NPC's, and tossed it Xyx's way. Chances are, we might see something better then his death trap, call to arms script

@ Galuf: I definatly recommend a high end card. I run a Radeon 9000 Pro 128, and still get some decreased framrate at times. Anyway, OC sucks, engine sucks, many of the options suck. Online is the only thing worth it. I bought a copy for $40 CAD, and simply to play on Argyle Online (which is currently looking for a new host).

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 11:50 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis
@Xandax: Actually, among my script diving searches, I found a dynamic AI for NPC's, and tossed it Xyx's way. Chances are, we might see something better then his death trap, call to arms script


Yeah - but they aren't a part of the official single player campaing :) (wich was what I was mentioning)

There is also scripts/haks and stuff out to make your henchmen better in the AI/Spellcasting department.... but it isn't included per default when playing the SP campaing and is something that needes fiddleing with :)

(going semi OT for a little while, but @ Aegis; it did seem that Xyx "Call to Arms" script have been either removed or modified, cause I was able to pull singles or fews out of a mob of creatues especially with Gnolls, but also Goblins. :) )

Originally posted by Aegis

@ Galuf: I definatly recommend a high end card. I run a Radeon 9000 Pro 128, and still get some decreased framrate at times

I can only agree with this. I run a GeForce 4 TI 4400 with 128 RAM and it still coughs on occasions when a lot of things are happening in the game (okay, all so got all options on full, but still)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 12:03 am
by Aegis
Chances are that the amount of death corpses ouside the mines triggered a little response saying 'uber hard', and was removed, until it can be refined somewhat. During the downtime, I intend to learn some skills with the tool set... Maybe script a bit...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:35 am
by De_Priester
Baldurs Gate 2 + Expansion
Icewind dale 2
Neverwinter nights
Dungeon Siege <--- eye candy cut ehm up BoRiNg

When I played either 3 of the lower ones I would start missing Baldurs gate 2 since it's one of the most complete, complex, massive rpg games I ever played. To me unless they create something like baldur's gate 2 what will most likely never happen I won't spend money on rpg games for a while since I like to pay money for GOOD games the kind of games that keep you busy for a few weeks not games I can run through in 3 days slicing and dicing.

Another thing about comparing the single player rpg with bdg2 there is so little tactic involved. With bdg2 battling the red dragon, fixing your troops in a different position could mean the difference between winning or losing, the type of spells and buffs would help you out. There is no real tactic involved in the game since there is no room for it. Your henchman is a baffoon and it makes it kinda annoying :P

If your living close to The Netherlands :P you can buy my copy of Neverwinter Nights :P

Only the expansion sounds good to me now but I'll most likely rent it first this time not to be surprised.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 7:03 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
Originally posted by De_Priester
Baldurs Gate 2 + Expansion
Icewind dale 2
Neverwinter nights
Dungeon Siege <--- eye candy cut ehm up BoRiNg

When I played either 3 of the lower ones I would start missing Baldurs gate 2 since it's one of the most complete, complex, massive rpg games I ever played. To me unless they create something like baldur's gate 2 what will most likely never happen I won't spend money on rpg games for a while since I like to pay money for GOOD games the kind of games that keep you busy for a few weeks not games I can run through in 3 days slicing and dicing.

Another thing about comparing the single player rpg with bdg2 there is so little tactic involved. With bdg2 battling the red dragon, fixing your troops in a different position could mean the difference between winning or losing, the type of spells and buffs would help you out. There is no real tactic involved in the game since there is no room for it. Your henchman is a baffoon and it makes it kinda annoying :P

If your living close to The Netherlands :P you can buy my copy of Neverwinter Nights :P

Only the expansion sounds good to me now but I'll most likely rent it first this time not to be surprised.

No, I live in the U.S.

Well, never mind about this game, then. :(

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 7:28 am
by Xandax
Well if you have the possibility for playing multiplayer games and you like RPGs I'd say there are plenty of oppertunities in NwN.

It is only if you play it for single player alone I would advice to rethink, because it isn't like BGs :)

But multiplayer (can) rock in NwN if playing with roleplaying people :)

I mostly love playing in Argyle although there are some powergamers (but my characters frowns at them in-game also ;) ), but there are also some very nice roleplayers there.
I've spend a lot of time playing NwN since I got it ... :)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 8:28 am
by IHateUsernames
Single player really sucks in this game and i cant play multi (two computers, stubborn dad, dont ask)

And this is the most expensive game i ever bought. i bought it just when it got out + games are usually more expensive in denmark. i would have preferred the money.

but most of the mods are pretty good. i played alot of diffrent ones.

no multi = bad game

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 8:55 am
by Galuf the Dwarf
It's just that I'm not a multi-player person. I like to spend my time in a game that I am more able to take my time with. Besides, I go for plot/story, character depth (kinda like the NPCs in BG1/2), and capabilities for gameplay (RPG combat strategies, capabilities to make choices that affect things in the long run), and stuff like that. In that case, what do I have left for good game choices now, since Neverwinter Nights seems to not be up my ally? :(

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 11:46 am
by De_Priester
I am much the same when it comes to rpg adventure games I want to live the story in my own pace on my own strength and take my time to enjoy it. When you find out things about the story it's great and you will remember it more then most battles. The battles in Baldur's Gate 2 are intense you can literally take every turn and have your characters do their moves. Trust me indeed neverwinter nights must be nice in multiplayer but in singleplayer it fades compared to good old baldursgate 2

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 12:16 pm
by Xandax
Well - I think most games single player fade in comparison with baldurs gate series single player (I hated BG in multiplayer)... so I think it is also a high standard to have for a computer game ;)

I have still had lot of fun in single player NwN - but yes, comparison with BG-series it is not as good, by far.
But personally I found it way better then IWD+expansions for instance.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:00 pm
by Indreyu
Baldur's Gate 2 totally rocks in SP and blows in MP.
Another game you might wanna try if you like the story and all that is Fallout 2.

That game gives you absolute freedom and a great storyline.
Not as good as BG2, but surely a runner-up

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 12:01 pm
by IHateUsernames
Compared to bg2 this game sucks in singleplayer

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:59 pm
by dragon wench
have you tried Planescape Torment? PST has amazing depth and story line, and is definitely not hack and slash. From what you have been saying I sense that you would really enjoy it :)