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How to make a sorceror cleric....(this is for you, fan!)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:36 am
by UserUnfriendly
All right, some of you from the old boards know that the elusive, impossible to make sorceror clerics has been a goal for me for some time now...

sounds impossible, right?

Actually, you can't make them at experiments with shadow keeper have proven...while you can turn a cleric into a sorceror, you lose ability to chain contingency cleric spells, and all cleric spells cast at level if you were somehow casting cleric scrolls...this is not a disadvantage for some cleric spells, for example globe of blades, or greater restore, but I've been convinced instinctively that such an uber munchkin class could be made...

now my experiments with wild mage clerics show that it is possible to come close to a type of sorceror cleric, and I am sure someone with a lot more ability and skill than I could make such a kit, using teambg's kit creator...or maybe not, since my reading of the way that the sorceror class is hard coded into the game in the documentation suggests that it is impossible to modify the way the sorceror class works...

now I have created sorceror kensais, by giving a sorceror imitation warrior abilities, but this has limitations...only kits and classes that directly add affects to the character(affects are a tab in shadowkeeper) could "inherit" kit powers while still being a sorceror...and I would have to say I've pushed that about as far as shadowkeeper would let me...

I've created sorceror kensais, sorceror assassins, and if I really wanted to, I could probably create sorceror monks...

but until now, I did not think a sorceror cleric was possible under the infinity engine...

until I had a sudden thought....

All I need to do is add the innate ability, using shadowkeeper, the innate ability "rest" resource "spwish16" and increment the number of spells memorized by one, and give this ability to a cleric mage...

this is the spell, that you get in the wish spell, that says, "make it so that my party is rested, and rememorized all spells"

how does it work???

after you create a elven cleric mage, simply open up the game in shadowkeeper, and add this innate ability to the cleric mage...increment the number of times this spell is memorized by one, then save...

open the game, and you now have a sorceror cleric...almost

what you actually have is a virtual sorceror cleric, a uber munchkin spell caster, who can act just like a sorceror, including full cleric spell ability...

so here you are, taking out this cleric mage for a test drive...your party has an encounter, like being ambushed by cowled click on the spells, intending to cast some breach so minsc can kick their notice you have just cast your last breach spell in the last encounter...and you decide to sunfire them, to roast them...but you don't have any sunfires memorized...

you open up your spell book, you click on sunfire, to memorize the spell, and any other spells you want to use for this encounter, those spells will be grayed out, since you must rest to memorize your new spell selections......then you open up your spells button again, and look for the innate ability rest, which will not show up in your innate button, (the little star at the right) but will actually be the last spell under your memorized spells under your spells button...

click on it, and click on yourself, and immediately, the new spells, the ones you want to use right now, can be cast!!!!!!!!!!

like I said, virtual sorceror clerics...

you can use any spell you want, at any time...

best of all, this applies to your entire party, so everyone can cast what ever spells anytime that you need...

so jaheira becomes a sorceror-druid, and viccy becomes a sorceror-cleric...just with druid spells and cleric spells, of course...

you guys like?

I am currently field testing a sorceror cleric kensai, right now, and things are looking good...

:p :p :p

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 5:53 am
by Perroxx
Thats great User! :D

Gonna try it later tonight. BTW, do u have a link to the latest Bun bun topic, i haven't d/l it yet...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:15 pm
by Sytze
Its great that you found out how to make some sort of Sorcerer-Cleric, but IMO, the game can become a bit to easy,and much to boring.

If you can use any spell, at any moment, ull start casting the same spell over and over (Horrid Wilting to name one) The fun can be over quite fast then...

Of course, if you already have an uber character like bunbun, this doesnt kill the fun in any way I guess :p

Anyway, an Sorcerer-monk or sorcerer-ARcheR ( ;) :D :p ) would be cool to create though.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 2:49 pm
by UserUnfriendly
well, most likely I am not going to create any more bun-buns in the future...

I mean my personal pc's in the game, bun-buns are so overpoweringly obscenely munchkin, most people simply don't bother to play with them...immunity to timestop, constant effect greater acuity, that's a bit too much...

I plan to write up a guide on how to create your own hacked characters, so people could make simple sorceror kensais, and sorceror assassins, without the special uber munchkin powers, to enjoy their games with powerful pcs, that are not TOO powerful.

I still enjoy inventing new and perverted obscene uber characters, that could take the tactics mod AND battles mod solo, and not even work up a sweat, but I am sure people would be interested in creating for their own games a powerful character, like a sorceror monk, a hack that would create a pc that is more powerful than even the arcane avenger or demon knight kit from battles, and much more powerful than the anti paladin from tactics, but is nowhere nearly as powerful as a bun-bun, with full enhancements...

now for my own personal amusement, I have been playing with the wish spells...

for example, a wish spell that was never implemented into the game, but the spell exists is "globe of blades"...there is a wish spell option that gives the caster a globe of blades, as per the cleric high level spell, but I don't recall any wish spell option that gives you that is amusing to see a sorceror surrounded by the globe...

but some of the wish options would make dandy uber munchkin powers, like hardiness, which stacks with itself, and improved haste, the version that improve hastes the entire party...kinda makes a mostly fighter party incredibly effective...

back to more experiments... :p ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:08 am
by UserUnfriendly
more updates...

the spell does cast during combat, so there are no restrictions at all for its personal experience, unless you specifically want a particular spell combo for a really hard battle, most of the time, like with a regular cleric mage, (aerie) you are going to simply maintain your pool of defense, utility and attack spells, but those spells no longer have a use limit...out of magic missiles, or spook? a quick click and you're back in the battle...

sytze, people who use or play with mages and clerics in the game already have a selection of spells they prefer already set up in their characters...for example, most people will fill up their 8th level slots with abi dazims, and ignore bigby clenched fist...but a sorc cleric is actually apt to more often use less often used spells, because the pressure of "making sure to memorize the good battle spells before i meet that big dragon" is gone...if they are struck by a wild inspiration during a battle, for example, they might decide to use magic resistance on a dragon in the middle of a battle, to see what would happen...easy as pie, just add that to your slot, and refresh your spells...

my next run thru, i plan on using a mage cleric with druid specific spells for even more experiments...some of the druid spells are obscenely powerful, like nature's beauty...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 9:59 am
by Baldursgate Fan
Hi User!

Thanks for this post. I have missed it. :)

Could you kindly zip up a specimen of this insanely powerful character?


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:51 pm
by VonDondu
Thanks for the tip, UserUnfriendly. It might come in handy sometime.

I just tried to use it, and it worked perfectly, but I have a question. Do you know how to hack the spell (spwish16) so that it will automatically make the entire party rest, instead of having to click on each party member individually and use it multiple times?

I've never hacked spells before, and it has been so long since I've used TeamBG tools to hack items, I don't remember much about hacking. I've used Infinity Explorer quite a bit to examine dialogue, creatures, and scripts, and so forth, but my experience with Near Infinity is very limited and I don't know how to use it as a hacking tool (if that's even possible).

Thanks for your help!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 1:24 am
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by VonDondu
Thanks for the tip, UserUnfriendly. It might come in handy sometime.

I just tried to use it, and it worked perfectly, but I have a question. Do you know how to hack the spell (spwish16) so that it will automatically make the entire party rest, instead of having to click on each party member individually and use it multiple times?

I've never hacked spells before, and it has been so long since I've used TeamBG tools to hack items, I don't remember much about hacking. I've used Infinity Explorer quite a bit to examine dialogue, creatures, and scripts, and so forth, but my experience with Near Infinity is very limited and I don't know how to use it as a hacking tool (if that's even possible).

Thanks for your help!

sorry if i didn't make this clear...

It makes the entire party rest and rememorize simply have to target one member of the selecting one member of the party, pc or otherwise will refresh the spells for the ENTIRE party...

actually, i've been working on something even more EVIL!!!!

i've looked at the druidic sorcerer mod, and have gotten a lot of ideas from it...

i've been testing a fully functional druid cleric sorceress...

by simply hacking about 20 druid and cleric spells, i made them into mage spells, and gave them to my sorceress...

i've killed the mad cleric from the improved battles mod by having my sorceress spell trigger a breach, bolt of glory, bolt of perfectly, and fast, since i was wearing the robe of vecna...

in fact, i've altered the spell trigger, sequencer, minor sequencer and chain contingency to macro spells at the level of the spell they are at...

chain contingency 9th level spells is fun...spell trigger abi dazims is really fun...yes, overpowering, yes, not fun...except in the creation process...going to try improved shadow thieves, improved battles and tactics mod on core...hehhehehheheh!!!!!!!!! :p

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 6:28 am
by VonDondu
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
sorry if i didn't make this clear...

It makes the entire party rest and rememorize simply have to target one member of the selecting one member of the party, pc or otherwise will refresh the spells for the ENTIRE party...
Okay, I get it now. But it's still a pain to press the Spells button, scroll all the way to the right, click on the spell icon, and point to a party member--and then not even see anything happen until you check everybody's spellbooks. And you never answered my question, "Do you know how to modify a spell?"

But not to worry--I hacked the spell myself. :) Now it seems to do everything I want it to do. It's called "Rest", it sits in the Innate spells tray (where it belongs), it has the "Wish" spell icon instead of the "Improved Haste" icon, it acts instantaneously just by pressing the icon (no need to click on anybody), and it gives visual feedback when you use it (it has the same 3D effect as "Mass Heal"). I renamed the modified spell "REST.SPL" so that the changes wouldn't interfere with the "Wish" spell. If you want to try it out, just download it and put it in your override folder, then give it to your character(s) with Shadowkeeper.

NOTE: I had some problems with it initially because I tested it with a Wild Mage and had a run of bad luck. :) The first few times I tried to use it, a wild surge prevented it from taking effect. My spells were not refreshed (including the "Rest" spell) because my party wasn't rested, which led me to believe that I had messed something up. But after further testing, it appears that as long as a wild surge doesn't interfere, the spell does work the way it's supposed to. I'll be sure to give the spell to another party member just in case my Wild Mage messes something up. :)

By the way, SPIN737 ("Wish Memorize") also restores memorized spells, so for the purpose at hand, it would work just as well as SPWISH16 ("Rest"). SPIN737 uses the spell function called "Spell Restore" on each spell level, whereas "Rest" uses the spell function that Infinity Engine Editor calls "Unknown Effect #316". SPIN737 undoubtedly has a much smaller scope than SPWISH16, because the former merely restores memorized spells, while the latter causes the party to rest (instantaneously), which presumably also relieves fatigue, etc.

Again, thanks for the tip!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:45 pm
by UserUnfriendly

i've downloaded it...and it looks great...

here is a suggestion, you might want to use the spell special effect for when a rogue gets use any item...i really think that spell effect looks incredibly cool...i think its the one for g acuity...

i haven't had much practice in hacking latest foray into making a uber sorceress cleric/druid based on ideas from the sorcerer druid was my most ambitious project yet...

actually, i personally am going to create my own version of it, and leave it in the spell bar...if its in the bar, you can put it in a quick spell slot...

actually i've got two things to thank you for...the next version i am planning on making will include 2 additional innates...i found when i looked at spin737 that bunny summon is right next to it, in shadowkeeper...

one to summon the rabbits
second to cast abi dahzim on every creature on the map...

a fully equipped Bunny Nuke power...muahahhahahah!!!!!!!!!

bunny nuke...every time! :p

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 7:38 am
by VonDondu
Glad to hear I put you on the trail of more cheese. It was my pleasure. :)

Bunnies... (snick)

Here are two new versions of the "Rest" spell. Both of them have the same 3D effect used by "Use Any Item" (which is also used by "Improved Alacrity"). The first one is just like the original modified spell--it sits in the Innate abilities tray. The second one sits in your spell tray (where you said you'd prefer to keep it so that you can put it in a quick slot). Keep in mind that the Innate version can be used by non-spellcasters (for the benefit of your spellcasters), but the Spell version cannot.

I think I'm getting the hang of editting spells. I have two copies of Infinity Engine Editor Pro running at the same time so that I can look at one spell to use as a model while I edit the second spell to do what the first one does--it makes the process a lot easier.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 6:35 pm
by UserUnfriendly
That I agree is the only way to hack spells...look at a model, then make modifications... ;) ;) ;)