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Ceramic Tiles in CAtacombs

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 6:51 pm
by Ladiesman
Guys I need help cause im stuck :(

Please tell me how to arrange the ceramic tiles in the catacombs to unlock the door :mad: !!!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 7:01 pm
by disaffected
Make sure none of the tiles are highlighted.
When you are facing them from the entranceway, you'll notice that the right side has four tiles while the middle and left side only have three.

To start, go straight down the right side (the one with four tiles).
Walk around the tiles until you get on the left side. Go straight down the left side (parallel to the side that walked on previously).

Walk around the tiles until you are at the middle of the left hand side. Go straight through the middle (2nd tile of the left hand and middle side; 3rd tile of the right hand side). This will complete the H design that the data pad tells you to do. It actually ends up being a lowercase h which was what through me off.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 7:36 pm
by Léah
If you go through the door opposite to the one with the tiles, there's a datapad in that room. The datapad intructs you to walk in the shape of an "H" to make all the tiles the same colour.
Start your "H" on the side with the extra tile (right) go all the way to the end, then come back a tile and go across. Repeat on the other side.