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Question on Character building.
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 11:51 am
by Ulic3098
Hey all !
Man I cant wait to get this game but alas I live in Ireland and just cant get it yet.
I am trying to ease the pain by learning what I can about force feats weapons classes etc.
I have decided pretty much on what I want to do but one thing bugs me................
I want the best of both worlds ie Scout and Sentinel Class.
Highest in order seem to be Dexterity,Wisdom,Strength,Charisma,Constitution,Intelligence.
or close enough but I have noticed Equipment that boosts DEX or other attributes.
Does this still effect the Attributes if they are over 20 ??
Do You see my dillema.
In trying to pick the best char for myself I need to know this answer so as best to plan.
Say if I build my Dexterity up to 20 and put on a Robe with a +8 dexterity bonus will I get the bonus or should i just leave my dexterity at 12?
One more question guys if you dont mind is I am not mad keen on the idea of using 2 sabers or double bladed sabers does it really make that much of a difference if I just used the one?
Thanks to all in advance
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:43 pm
by Necrotaur
Using two sabers is much better than using a double bladed one because you can equip twice as many crystals.
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:11 pm
by fable
But you still only get the requisite number of attacks per turn, regardless of whether you use a two-handed weapon or two weapons. So that if you really want to use one crystal with a particular effect--say, a crystal with 25% chance of stun--equipping it in a two-hander makes more sense; otherwise, you halve your chances to stun. (Unless you have two identical crystals.)
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:49 pm
by Ertani
I'm trying to plan a character too. I've already made 2, and...failed miserably.
I'd be glad to work on ideas with you. E-mail at
I was thinking going scout, bcuz the hp aren't dramatically different, and you gain a lot more skills. I was considering going to lvl 8 scout, so i could get the implant lvl 3 for free, then use implants to up the amount of fp, hp, or sp i get each lvl as a jedi. Or, I could try lvl 2 scout, and then lvl 18 jedi (maybe sentinel?) so i could still have good hp/fp/sp. I want to maybe do the critical strike combo (up to 100 damage per attack, 7 attacks a round I have heard). However, I don't know if this char will have enough feats to do the critical strike, flurry, two handed weapon, etc. I don't know exactly how many feats he will get.
I would reccomend a double saber, bcuz amount of crystals doesn't matter. You do more damage, and the crystals apply to both attacks.
E-mail or
aol dschiff4
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:00 pm
by fable
Don't go to in-depth into planning a character. Just choose one of the three classes, and remember their fantasy analogues: soldiers are fighters, scouts are rangers, and scoundrels are thieves--more or less.
If you plan on building a mag...excuse me, Jedi, then make sure you give yourself plenty of wisdom and charisma. Constitution and strength are vital to soldiers, while scouts need plenty of dexterity to fuel accuracy for their blasts. Intelligence? It's the least useful stat for a player. It governs the number of skill points you have, and you'll get plenty of those from several party NPCs.
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:18 pm
by Ulic3098
Umm thats great......but
First of all thanks for the feedback.
However....... can someone please answer the question on the stats.
Will it make a difference in what I am equipping onto myself.
Sorry of course it will but umm...... losing line of thought.....
Is there a limit like say 20 for the ammount of DEX or STG or INT you can have and if there is a limit do the bonus attributes in say a jedi robe increase over and above 20 or are u better just getting to 12 DEX and waiting till u pick up a sandpersons robe or a knight master dobe etc...
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 11:11 pm
by Mattaeus
Your stat bonuses continue to go up passed 20. Although I found that there is no real use for intelegence passed the initial bonuse it gives you at character creation. Dont worry about Charisma unless your going to persuade throug the hole game to make some coin! (they say that with a higher charisma its easyer to comand yor troops, but with a 16 chr they where still doing whatever they wanted to do when I wasnt selected on them)
Strenght is good if you just want to beat them fast
Wisdom if you want to be a force user primaraly
Dex is good for distant weapons and AC (I like AC) especialy of you are running around in robes...if you plan on using the heavy armor dont bother with dex
Constitution, if you want lots of HPs go for this one, Best thing if your going to be a force user make yourself a soldier first to give yourself some HPs
Iv run through the game 2 times....going through a 3rd just becouse Im bored. I picked a Scout first (becouse of the implant) not that I couldnt get them with the other classes, but these ones are free. and they get a desent number of skill point to start. Treat Injury is a must, I didnt have it up very high on my last toon and I found myself, when i ran out of force points, over using my heal button and not hitting anything for minuts at a time.
I then went with the gardian class Jedi...I dont realy solo, I just want to BASH!...pumped up my conducting, and toughness as well as one handed melee...thats right ONE HANDED...this was mostly for the ac bonuse, as well as a flury and I walked through the bad guys.
But hey! play what you like..the game does give variaty based what your playing style is.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 12:53 am
by Ulic3098
Thats great!
Thanx a lot Matt.
So it looks like I know where I need to go.
Although you may all laugh at me I dont know that I want 2 sabers.
Think I will stick with one but you never know
Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 11:25 am
by Mathurin
I always find Intelligence important because I don't bother to bring Mission along after getting the other Jedi NPC's just for her skills. Another overlooked use for CHA is it increases the amount you heal when using the force heal powers.
Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 3:22 pm
by Nomi Biet
Brutal strategy
Originally posted by Ertani
I would reccomend a double saber, bcuz amount of crystals doesn't matter. You do more damage, and the crystals apply to both attacks.
Err, no. The number of crystals absolutely matters. And either way double saber or twin saber, you need the two weapon feat to optimize your attack modifiers. So there's no reason to use the double, other than looking cool. The extra crystal will more than offset the little extra damage of the double saber.
Two sabers allows four crystals instead of two: twice as many (I'm not counting the obligatory color crystal, which has no effect).
This doesn't mean you get more attacks per round, but it does mean you get more effects on your weapons, ie, you can have more attack, damage, ion, and stun modifiers. My recommendation is to get critical strike to the master level, then get at least one saber in your right hand with the crystal that doubles the critical hit range, and then also add the crystal that adds damage on a critical hit. Then in the off hand, you can equip whatever you think is appropriate--perhaps a bondar, stun 25%. If you also have master speed, you have two additional attacks per round, totaling 5. Basically, if you do a knight speed/master critical, the odds of your target escaping without massive damage from just one round are quite slim--if they are still alive after a master critical, they will be dazed. And if you have sneak attack, once the critical hit stuns them, you hit for yet more massive damage (though another critical hit's damage bonus would then be negated, but who cares?). My scoundrel/guardian is devastating using these tactics. My right hand has a 50% chance of a critical hit, and with no speed modifiers, I get two right hand attacks per round. She cuts through sith like a hot knife through butter, and can use feats to do it, saving force power for those times I really need it....
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 10:56 pm
by finkelmana
I know some people like to custimize their chars for personal use... but the RPG aspect of this game is purely cosmetic. You can autolevel all chars thru the entire game and win with ease. I never paid any attention to the stats of anything other than a higher number is better than a lower. There is always more than one path to do get past a certain point, and critical points in the game are not based on stats, but on choices.