Morrowind Cheats (SPOILER)
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:42 am
Im bored so here's some cheats
press the console button "~"
and enter these. # is for the number.
Player->tgm (god mode)
Player->setstrength #
Player->setintelligence #
Player->setwillpower #
Player->setendurance #
Player->setagility #
Player->setlevel #
Player->tcl (clipping mode)
Player->sethealth #
Player->setfatigue #
Player->setmagicka #
Player->setpccrimelevel 0 (remove bounty)
Player->setreputation #
Player->additem gold_100 #
Player->additem [item name] #
for the add item cheat look in the
construction set for item ID's
that's all for now if you want more PM me.
press the console button "~"
and enter these. # is for the number.
Player->tgm (god mode)
Player->setstrength #
Player->setintelligence #
Player->setwillpower #
Player->setendurance #
Player->setagility #
Player->setlevel #
Player->tcl (clipping mode)
Player->sethealth #
Player->setfatigue #
Player->setmagicka #
Player->setpccrimelevel 0 (remove bounty)
Player->setreputation #
Player->additem gold_100 #
Player->additem [item name] #
for the add item cheat look in the
construction set for item ID's
that's all for now if you want more PM me.