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Azzilla's First Mod

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:21 am
by Azzilla
here a mod i chucked to gather
in 30 minutes tell me what you
think about it
the mod takes place in Astius
Hanotepelus's house upstair's
in the house there is a azura's
soulgem with the vivec god's soul
in it and a golden saint's soul
in a grand soul gem there's some money
in the cheats but there's a key to it
for you to find and there's a door leading
to the wolverine hall in Sandrith Mora
but there's a key to that to somewhere in
the house there's a skleton key with
a quality of 500 pretty good that's all for now
just post stuff back to me about it.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:30 pm
by Azzilla
come on someone download it's