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Banned from Manaan

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:45 pm
by whittynamehere
Hey guys. Did anyone go and talk to that Rodian who belongs to this secret society of bounty hunters? Thats the person which the datapad, that a twi'lek suposedly says you lost, refers to. He asks you go and kill specific people for bounties inorder to earn a position with that society of bounty hunters. But now my problem is I was banned from Manaan right after my trial for going to the bottom of the ocean to retrieve the Star Map. Meaning I cannot go back inside the city and talk to the Rodian. So is that it? getting those bounties earn real decent Dark Side points. I hate those damn Selkath with their stupid strict laws and their garglely voices. I'd gut them all if I had the chance, stupid fish! (the dark side is getting to me...)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 5:26 pm
by Necrotaur
Yeah, if you're banned from Manaan, that's it. Sorry.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:37 am
by Mathurin
Thats why its a good idea to go to Manaan as one of your last planets. That way you've been everywhere and you can simply do all the Genoharadan quests before going farther with the story in Manaan. Otherwise, like you said you get screwed when the Selkath ban you.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 2:06 pm
by fable
Except that you don't have to get banned by the Selkath. It's just a matter of taking the trial in your hands, and acting innocent.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:56 pm
by Nemesis
i have a save there, i used toxin to kill the bloody fish...

so how do i sneak out of it? i saved before i was arrested,
and i have tried everyting!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:12 pm
by Nemesis ... rtrift.php

works like a charm.. besides that all the selkath exept the droid dealer hates you..

and try using force persuade on the guard after you insult the sith woman near the sith base.. amusing