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Enchantement ideas

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:27 pm
by Laenor
Enchantment ideas

I've just obtained a 2nd Daedric Daï-Katana and i'm wondering what kind of enchantment i should put on it ;)

I'm thinking about enchanting it with a fortify strength +100 for 4 sec on strike, calling it "Wake Of The Berserker" :D

Would be fun against more than 1 ennemy : 1rst hit turns you into a deadly weapon for the rest of the fight !
But i'm not sure of the real effect of strength over melee damage, so i guess i'll have to test it myself ! (quicksave, then Mage Guild slaughterin' :D btw, if anyone knows a link where the real effect of strength on your damage output if explained, please share the info :) )

So i'm looking for good other ideas.

Ive already got those on myself :

Tides Of Blood
Daedric Katana +1-92 magic damage

Frostmourne (yep, i love Warcraft III :D )
Daedric Daï-Katana +72-100 frost damage

Soul Eater
Daedric Mace +20-40 frost damage, soultrap for 15 sec.

A full suit of ebony armor enchanted as follows:

Breastplate : drain 100 health on touch
Legs: restore 16-30 health on self
Right bracer : 100 damage health on touch
Left bracer damage 10 strength, agility, endurance and speed on touch
Right pauldron : restore 5 strength, agility, endurance and speed on self
Left pauldron : restore 5 willpower, intelligence, personnality and luck on self
Shield : lower magicka resistance 50% for 20 sec. on touch

(i use the shield, then the bracer - or tides of blood for some wonderful results ;) )

everything else is enchanted with constant effect : fortify intelligence (i like to cast powerful spells, and as a dark elf with my sign i only have 150 magicka with 100 int :p )

other items:
Ring regen 3hp/sec, 4fatigue/sec
Necromancer's amulet
Ring with constant fortify willpower/inteligence +10

I'm waiting to complete the full daedric armor set to enchant and equip it :rolleyes: only missing breastplate and pauldrons right now :p

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 7:46 pm
by Jofus
Well, for what it's worth, I made some uber fortify strength potions and they really kick butt on the 1 hit with any weapon and they're toast. However, as the song says "Every form of refuge has it's price", this price being having to repair your weapons much more freqently because of the power with which you strike. Just an observation :) .

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:09 am
by Loredweller
My current blades (there has been a wide variety of others):

Daedreic Shockblade :
Shock damage 10-11 on touch
Weakness to Shock 10% for 3 sec on touch
Lightning Shield 12pt for 3 secs on self

Daedreic Flameblade :
Fire damage 15 on touch
Weakness to Fire 10% for 3 sec on touch
Fire Shield 12pt for 3 secs on self

Daedric Healthcrusher
Absorb Health 20 pts on touch
Weakness to Magicka 10% for 5 secs on touch

Daedric Soulreaver
Soultrap for 2 secs on touch
Absorb Health 16 to 17 on touch
Weakness to Magicka 10% fro 6 secs on touch

Daedric Figterbane
Damage Strength 5 pts on touch
Damage Speed 5 pts on touch
Damage Agility 5 pts on touch
Weakness to Magicka 5 to 6 % for 6 secs on touch

Actually 5 or 6 secs is too much, 3 would do, however it suits me just now and i haven't had leisure to create new ones (6 fresh blades are just waiting their use on the table)

Regarding attributes i rather prefer to have constant effect apparel items and homemade alchemy products.

For the very first blade i'd suggest enchantment sort of Healthcrusher, though.

P.S. I am disappointed with the Figterbane in fact. While the approach is ok with spell, Daedric Katanas itself rather get the job done sooner than the enchantment lefts noticable effect on the target.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:41 pm
by Sojourner
One of my favorite enchantmants is a combo Absorb Health and Paralyse 5 seconds on strike - nothing like immobilising your enemy and healing yourself with every whack.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 12:41 am
by Jofus
When I want a good laugh I use my "Armor Eater" blade which damages armor on strike. It's so funny to see their armor disappear piece by piece until they're running around threatening me in their undies :D .