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Will it make a difference

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:45 am
by Ulic3098
Hey all .

May I please ask all the players a question?

I have heard that it is possible to work through the game without leveling up your character till you can pick a Jedi class.

And by so doing you will gain more force powers than normally possible.

Please is it worth it?

Is it feasible?

Would it be a good idea?

All thoughts on this would be Greatly appreciated people.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:40 pm
by Vadrieldur
I created the Sith Witch in the Game Banshee strategy guide section. The beginning levels were very difficult. Once you became a Sith I was practically invincible. I had a huge range of force powers to choose from, and I also had enormous amounts of Force Points. I had a lot of fun playing as the Sith witch. As I said earlier THE BEGINNING IS VERY DIFFICULT. If it becomes too difficult I recommend that you just turn the game difficulty setting to easy. Once you become a Sith you can then change the difficulty level to whatever you prefer.