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Tribunal/Bloodmoon expansions

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:09 am
by Laenor
I was wondering what do those expansions really add to the game, since i'm considering buying 'em.

I've finished Morrowind with a level 45 character.

I've read that they provide some good challenge, even for High level morrowind players.

Is that true ?


What do they add beside quests and new loot ?

New kind of spells ?
New races ?
New birthsigns ?
(I know i can get mods for races/birthsigns, but i want to know if there are some "officials" new ones)

I know bloodmoon adds Werewolves... but what else ? :)

Thanks !

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:25 am
by Sojourner
Yes, they're worth it. Both Tribunal and Bloodmoon add a quest journal, for starters. They also allow you to add notes to your map. Both add new creatures, and Bloodmoon allows you to become a werewolf, as well as adding several new spells and another joinable faction.

Both are definitely for higher-end players, with creatures that make the tougher creatures of Morrowind look like a cakewalk. I'd say Bloodmoon is more difficult - considering the number of times I've had to re-load with a level-40 PC.

If you get them, make sure you get the appropriate patch.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 4:57 pm
by Dael Nazcavar
I have both Tribunal and Bloodmoon and I must say, it was well worth the money I paid for it. Tribunal offers better weapons and armor while Bloodmoon offers harder NPC's and creatures. Both expansions have a pretty good story line with many new places to explore.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:05 pm
by j0ckser
While I have not had the personal misfortune to err, I have heard that one needs to install Tribunal first, then Bloodmoon. I know not why, but "just do it".
I have Tribunal and it is definitely worth it. My son was/is supposed to acquire Bloodmoon and has yet to do so. *grinds teeth*