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BUG with multiclass?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:30 am
by Dead end
So here is my BIG problem. I started to play hof mode with my new party.
A goblin give me 3600 xp so i levelled pretty fast.
But i have a BIG problem with one character.
She is a Tiefling.
Started with rogue and only got 1 level.
Then she become mages specialist evocher.
She has str 14 dex 16 con 16 int 21 wis 10 and char 2.
Since i first levelled as mage she DIDN'T get the ability to cast spell!!!!!!!!!!!
Her book of the mage is empty (didin't find any scroll till now) and its normal but isn't marked as mage...empty as a warior one.
Of course she has NOT any free spell slot.
Worried about a BUG.

Please help or advice in some way!!!!!!!!

tks :confused:

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 2:11 pm
by Virgil57
I tested this out so you have a 1/1 rogue/evoker right?

you will not be able to case spells until you learn a level one mage spell. Could it be that the spell you learned was higher than a lvl 1 spell?

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 2:13 am
by Dead end
Badly Solved

No way........i can't cast spell not because i have none in my book but because i have NO book !!!
Solved erasing the character then rebuiding it.

She had at the beginning 6 level less than the other but she progressed by far above the chance to find scrolls of her level.
Now she has only 3 Level spell but free slot in the 6th level.
Hope she will be useful in the late part of the game becasue now is almost useless in battle.

tks btw

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:02 pm
by loburian
This happened to me too


I made a human rogue with the intention of switching to wiz after one level. I am now level 3. I am 2nd level wiz/1st rogue.

I can memorize spells, but there is no option to cast spells on my interface? I am not wearing any armor.

Any help will be appreciated.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 3:06 pm
by loburian
I figured it out myself

I was sitting there, and in frustration i tried right clicking on a blank quick slot, and there was spell casting...sigh.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:58 am
by Klorox
Is it that there is no spellcasting icon on your screen? You need to right-click on it and add a spellcasting icon.