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Errm,little help please...

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 1:10 pm
by ammoniak
hi ppl
i went to the erabenimsun -?- camp early on in the game and killed some of the ppl there. later on in the main quest u have to go back there and give someone some items from the dead ppl, but ive already sold them there any way of finding out who i sold them to, coz i cant memba, or can i summon them somehow???
thx for all ur help, as i cant b bovad to start it all again having come so far... :(

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:38 pm
by humanflyz
If you know the name of the items, you can get them back through the in-game console. First, find out the tag of the items from the Editor. Look under Items or something like that. Once you find the tags, load your save game.

When you are in the game, press the tilde(~) key on your keyboard. A console will pop up. Type in the console:

Player-> AddItem "tag"

That should work, although it takes a bit of looking around through the editor; but it sure beats starting the game all over again. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:53 am
by Legend
And here's also a tip: never go on a random killingspree in Morrowind, you might regret it later. ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 6:48 am
by ammoniak
thx guys. found a way to 'recreate' the daed ppl and just offed them then took their stuff.appreciate the help tho :-)