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Stuck with a quest!

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:47 am
by Cire
I only have one quest left before I can go on to the next chapter and that is the spirit of the woods quest. I just can't find the spirits antidote! I know that I picked it up form the stone rumble in the spirits realm but now it is gone! I've searched all of the tempel of Tyr and all of my inventory and I haven't found any antidote. But in my inventory I've found a bottle called the spirits poison. Is that the antidote? and if it is how do i use it and where? :confused:

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:29 pm
by Zelgodis
Once you pick up the Spirit of the forest's cure you go to him and he will attack you. Make sure you dont have any summoned creatures or henchmen or it wont work. I went to him and he died because my tiger and henchmen killed him. After you beat him down he will then surrender and you give him the potion. Then you can talk to him and from what I hear he will also sell you stuff that part I do not know. Hope this helps.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:52 pm
by Xandax
Spirits Poison will kill the spirit (the Evil way so to speak)

You need the antidote to cure him, then try back where you found it in the spirit realm, maybe you didn't pick it up (happens to me when I think I pick something up, but dosen't click proberly so I just drop it again :D ).
Otherwise try that pool in the temple of tyr that usually holds plotitems one have lost .

Else I'm affraid you have to turn to "cheating" to get the item in, by spawning it via the console.
Unfortunally I am not familiar with the workings of the console in regards of spawning items, and I don't know the itemcode either.
But maybe somebody else can help you with that.

And by the way - you can surly have henchmen when you fight the Spirit @ Zelgodis, I've never once had a problem with the Spirit. It is a matter of "luck" if you (or summons/henchmen) hits just as the Spirit goes neutral.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:51 am
by Cire
I have tried all exept cheating. Because I am playing on mac there is no cheats. I don´t think so anyway? Maybe I haven´t picked it up but then I should find it somewere in the realm right? And I can´t! And it isn´t in temple of Tyrs pool either. I´ll probably have to skip that quest.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:55 am
by Xandax
small spoiler
Well, the potion is located just after you kill the cult guy. Maybe check the walkthough on this site if you can't locate the place in the realm of the spirit.

Dosen't the MAC version feature a console? In that console in there is a command called dm_spawnitem, although I dont' know the complete functionality of it.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 6:57 am
by Cire
I'm quite sure that I've located the place where it should be, or once was. I've been looking for it everywhere in the spirits realm. And if I've dropped it or something I should be able to find it in the Temple of Tyr's pool. But it isn't there!

Maybe I can cheat with mac. But what kind of cheat should I use? :confused:

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:15 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Cire
Maybe I can cheat with mac. But what kind of cheat should I use? :confused:

It is possible to spawn items in using the console. But I have little to no practice with it, so can't help you much, but the console command dm_spawnitem should be able to do the trick. But again - I don't know the precise functionality of it...

I dont' know what key activates the console for you, but mine (danish keyboard) is the `key (shift + the key just right of the backspace) and once the console prompt appears you must type DebugMode 1.
After this you can reentere the console prompt and type various commands (press tab to list them at the console prompt) and dm_spawnitem is one.
To get out of debugmode, type DebugMode 0 in the console prompt.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:50 am
by Xandax
Okay - got it now.

Enter the console and activate debugmode.

Enter console and type "dm_spawnitem m2q2g_antidote" (not using " )

The antidote potion should appear where your mouse pointer is located (so don't place it on the wall or something ;) )

Exit debugmode.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:25 am
by Cire
Thank you very much for the help!
I will try it as soon as possibe. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:40 pm
by Ron_Lugge
Good luck!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:40 am
by Cire
It worked! :D Finally i can move to the nex chapter. Thank you so much!

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:47 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Cire
It worked! :D Finally i can move to the nex chapter. Thank you so much!

No problem ... it's why we are here :)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 9:32 pm
by Cyberpawz
I know it's a little late, but you know you could of looked into the Divining Pool?

It would of cost you 1gp to retrieve it... but if you picked it up, it would be in there if you dropped it...

A lot of people seem to forget this for some reason... ehh...


Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:44 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Cyberpawz
I know it's a little late, but you know you could of looked into the Divining Pool?

It would of cost you 1gp to retrieve it... but if you picked it up, it would be in there if you dropped it...

A lot of people seem to forget this for some reason... ehh...


He have tried that. He wrote that in one of his posts.