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character design

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:02 am
by funnyslaughter
i just started the game and designed my character.
since i dont know the rule-set (its something new, isnt it?) i was a bit unsure about how to make the right character.

i focussed my char on fighting melee with twohanded weapons, leaving int and cha pretty down, i will post the exact setup later when i tried it out a bit, just started to play.

how important is magic?
is it good to place your skillpoints here, even if you have decided to be a fighting character?

please post your builds and if they proved to be powerful and why, or even why not.

i am missing my party, really, cant be charismatic and smash everything at once...


Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:46 am
by Bloodmist
I don't know if you're familiar with the SPECIAL system from Fallout 1 & 2, because it's the same for Lionheart.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:33 am
by funnyslaughter
obviously not, i wanted to play these games but never got the opportunity to do so.

are there any good character-combos that proved to be great?

i am a great fan of min/max within DnD 3.x and the few things i tested out in the game were quite hard, even with me believing that my character is quite strong.

as my first action i went to the sewers and from there to some beggars headquarters or something, these huge skeletons do really need a lot of luck and my "+5 key of quickloading" for my 1st level character.
(or do you start at 2nd? anyhow, i just got the initial level-up, nothing more)

maybe its not a flaw in my char-design and i am intended to visit these areas with a few levels more, the monsters seem to have nearly the double of my 41 HPs and even with the "drain life from dead bodies"-spell i chosed its hard to impossible to beat them.

maybe there are some people who know where i should go first?

i just got a quest to find a mechanical arm because i sided with cortez in an argument and maybe i can get a great treasure, wow ;)
but this sounded a bit harder then finding a lost child in some sewers.

do i have to clear the beggars lair?


Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:43 am
by Stilgar
First Welcome to the forum.

I can recomand first doing some easyer quests before going into the sewers.
Some quests in the city, and the crossroad quests arent to hard either.

I'm not very far in the game myself, but I think magic is pretty importend (more then half the skills are magic).
If you dont want to be a combatcaster, just pick some of the protective branch.

You dont have to kill the beggars, you can side with them against the thieves (or side with the thieves against the beggars) (note that the beggers have better rewards)

Did I forget anything?

Good luck

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 9:50 am
by funnyslaughter
i sided against the beggars because i didnt like the wer-rat thingy.

i finished the sewers and also the beggars hideout, the only thing i left over was the chief of the beggars, no chance against him even at level 5.

i completed the arm-quest for cortez, hehe, fooled the magma-troll-boss by running around the circle-walls.

i would like to find the little girls lost brother in the sewers, but nothing, any tips?

i also found two quest-items in the beggars headquarters, no idea where to get the quest :)

i am starting to hate the missing mark-function of the automap, whole the time i am searching for some place i have been before...

my main question atm is:
which faction should i join?
inquisition is surely not my thing, i am thinking about the saladin knights but dont know how to become one, and maybe thief (if you canjoin them) would fit my more chaotic character, no idea where to get them.

at the moment i am just walking around and into any house, grabbing a quest if i can.

i finished the crossroads and found the secret treasure within cortez' dragoncave,
what to do now?


Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 10:07 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by funnyslaughter
would like to find the little girls lost brother in the sewers, but nothing, any tips?

In the fire-troll caves

Originally posted by funnyslaughter
i am starting to hate the missing mark-function of the automap, whole the time i am searching for some place i have been before...

True, i have no idea why they didnt added that to the game
Originally posted by funnyslaughter
my main question atm is:
which faction should i join?
inquisition is surely not my thing, i am thinking about the saladin knights but dont know how to become one, and maybe thief (if you canjoin them) would fit my more chaotic character, no idea where to get them.

There are some factions you can join (thiefs/beggars for exaple) that dont give you anything, and by joining them you dont finish Leos quest.
Another faction you can join is the Order of Saladin. this also wont finish Leo's quests.

The factions that do complete his quest are: The inquisition, The Wielders (magic users) and the Knights Templar.
(there are also the Darkwilders but they have the same bonusses as the wielders)
You should just join whatever faction suits your character best.