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Need Help with TESCS

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:56 pm
by adventurerkilly
Well, I searched the net for some hours, but I couldn't get ANY specific help on my greatest TESCS (The Elder Scrolls Construction Set) / 3DS MAX issue: I just can't figure out how to make descent custom meshes; I mean, I get all the theory of how to import it, but how do I MAKE them? I know how to operate 3DS MAX, but I don't know how the item graphic should be designed and constructed, what size and what scale it should have, etc...

Please, does anyone know a tutorial of how to make, e.g. a basic sword? Or can anyone give me a few tips on how to make such an item?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:17 pm
by Sojourner
Have you tried working backwards - stripping the mesh for a sword out of Morrowind and seeing how it's done? Make some adjustments and then import it back in in the game.

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:00 am
by adventurerkilly
I have, but somehow it seems that the NIF-Plugin for 3DS MAX only enables EXport, not IMport. That kinda sucks, or I have just made a mistake and am to dumb for it....