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Grey Shaft of Unraveling ???
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 6:19 am
by Yeknom
I found this item in a tomb, but I can't figure out what it is ! What is a shaft ?? Do I equip it as a weapon ? It says there are 45 of them ! It's supposed to cast dispel on strike, so I assume I have to hit somebody with it. Does anyone know what this is ?? Thanks in advance!
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 10:35 pm
by j0ckser
Welcome to the forum.
You are now the lucky owner of enchanted arrows. Dispell cancels a spell of another mage, but I have found that just firing an arrow at an oncoming spell explodes it in mid-flight anyway.
So now you need a bow; any bow will do, but the better the bow AND the better you marksman skill AND the better your agility attribute SO the better your chance of hitting something you aim at. In fact, if using a bow catches your fancy, several really wonderful bows will come you way as you quest. My favourite is the Bow of Shadows, but others include the Bonebiter Bow, Auril's Bow, and a daedric bow.
Initially you will place your crosshair on something, pull the bow and MISS, and MISS, and MISS. Try aiming somewhat away from the target, but not too far. Eventually you will figure out where you need to aim to hit something. As your skill/attribute/bow improve, so your crosshair will get closer to the target. Also remember that arrows do not travel "line-of-sight", so for long shots you may need to aim a little high.
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 5:55 am
by Yeknom
Thank you SO much for your help !!!!!!!!