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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:40 pm
by MidoriChan
Is Tribunal worth getting? I know the other expansion pack, Bloodmoon, for Morrowind is very good and I've bought it already. But... how does Tribunal differ from Morrowind and Bloodmoon?? Thanks!

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 6:00 pm
by Laenor
I do own both morrowind expansions and here are my feelings about them:

Bloodmoon :

Just started it, played tribunal first ;)

Tribunal :

Well, i just LOVED it ;)

Its action mostly takes place in the city of mournhold.
It's VERY different from bloodmoon from what i've experienced.
while bloodmoon lets you travel in wide open areas, tribunal's plot takes place inside the city.
You would think that an expansion that limits you to a single city sucks, but Mournhold has a LOT of hidden and nasty places to visit.

I had some great dungeon crawling experiences in Tribunal

It adds a lot of unique items, new armor (2 or 3 not sure) plus some of the best weapons in the game.
I played though Tribunal with a level 53 character using mostly the best stuff from the game (Full Daedric armor minus helm, Exquisite clothes - All Items Enchanted with grandsoul gems of golden saints - , 100+ to all stats, all skills from my character at level 50-100, a constant restore health effect of 8.. ) and some of the encounters were a bit hard, even with a difficulty level of 0. I guess a difficulty level of 100 would make a LOT more encounters difficult.

I did die a few times too.

Of course, you'll find some new ennemies to fight :)

Graphics are pleasant, nothing really new, but some nice places to visit.
Not bad at all overall.

I really enjoyed the quests, even if some of the rewards for them were meaningless from a high character point of view.

Not sure if fortify skill spell can be bought in Bloodmoon, but you can definatly have them in Mournhold ;)

Overall, i had a great time going through tribunal, so i'd really consider getting it if you're a Morrowind addict :)

The only thing that disappointed me in tribunal (and bloodmoon..) is the fact that there are no new birthsigns at character's creation or spells to get.

Oh well, i guess Bethesda can't please everyone :D ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 6:28 am
by Straydog
MidoriChan. Two it. :) It really wraps the whole Morrowind Saga together.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 7:21 am
by fable
If you've enjoyed the main plot of Morrowind, then I'd say, definitely buy it. Each add-on has really repaid in spades. If you simply prefer wandering around the countryside, doing quests, meeting and killing things, get it anyway. Tribunal improves the Horror That Is the Quest Log, adds pack anijmals, allows you to place notes on the map, and adds mercs for hire. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:44 am
by MidoriChan
Aw cool, thanks a bunch!