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Stuck in Mind Flayer Dungeon
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:19 am
by Magellon
I am in the mind flayer dungeon located in the underdark, have entered every room bar 1, and I can't get to it. The door states "only divine or powerful minds can open this door". I have already tried charming a mind flayer from the last room with them in it (with the 3 tables & staff of domination), and tried opening the door with the charmed mind flayer in the party, to no avail (have saved before killing last mind flayer). The prisoners are of no help either, and the entrance / exit door won't open.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:49 am
by Minerva
Hello, and welcome to GameBanshee forum.
You need to place the charmed mind flayer in front of the locked door. I mean, if he's standing back of the party or something, the door won't recognize his existance.
You must kill the Elder Brain in the locked room to unlock the main door to leave the dungeon to Underdark.
Hope it helps.
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:03 am
by Magellon
Flayer Door
That did the trick, I must have been a few mm out before.
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:51 pm
by Denise
Need help
Hi. I'm right there at that fight, but everytime I kill the last illililthiud in that room, I die. Like nothing hits me, I don't even have any hit points gone really. Is it because I am the Slayer?
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:08 pm
by UserUnfriendly
"Hi. I'm right there at that fight, but everytime I kill the last illililthiud in that room, I die. Like nothing hits me, I don't even have any hit points gone really. Is it because I am the Slayer?"
the slayer form kills you after a while...
you can extend the duration of the slayer form by casting protection from magic energy, but you will still die...
the slayer form is useful, since the claws do cold damage, and you are immune to imprison and mage, but it kills you..
if you installed ascention, the slayer and ravager forms can also make you berserk and attack your own party...
and of course you lose 2 rep everytime..
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:26 am
by VonDondu
The bad news is, being in the Slayer form too long will kill you. The good news is, you can control the duration and change back into human form before it kills you. When I first used the Slayer transformation, I thought that, like most spells, it would expire automatically and put me back in human form automatically, but it doesn't work that way. You have to activate the command to turn back into human form. (It takes an act of will to become the Slayer, and it takes an act of will to stop being the Slayer.) You know how you have to push an icon button to become the Slayer? When you push it, it's replaced by a button that will turn you back into a human. Push that button before it's too late.