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what can i do to protect myself from imprisoment?........

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:09 pm
i am trying to kill gankaxx and he keeps casting impisonment all the time!!!!AAAAAAAAA!!! Is there a way for me to protect myself from that?i have freedom scrolls but i cannot even keep my mage unharmed.WHAT CAN I DO!!!!!!!!!?????????thank you all for reading!you are all great

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:18 pm
by UserUnfriendly
spell immunity abjuration, protection from undead scroll, protection from magic scroll (give to a mage, cast project image or simmy, then have the simmy or image use the scroll, you still keep the scroll :p :p :p )

slayer change, berserker rage, barby rage (Not minsc enrage, i've seen minsc get imprisoned while enraged, i think)

:D :D :D

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:04 pm
by adventurerkilly
Spell Immunity, Traps, Rages,... this is SISSYTECH.

For the hard ones, try it without, it's possible. Usually I just hit Kangaxx hard, and when he imprisons like 3-4 people, my mage uses Freedom (sometimes while in Timestop). However, you should either protect or keep away your main char, as an imprisonment of him/her will result in a game over. Just try again and again, you will succeed eventually. Oh, and it appears that Kangaxx' Demi-Lich form is totally immune to magic. SO don't waste Missiles or whatever, better use summons (such as Mordenkaines or stuff).

BTW, if a cleric reached a level to gain a holy smbol and gets imprisoned, he will gain another symbol when freed. Quite a nice thing for a multi-cleric party (like with Berserker/Clerics) or Thieves with UAI.... ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:18 pm
by UserUnfriendly
ways to kill kangaxx without using protections...

1 dragon breath will do it almost every time...

a implosion should do it too...

any magic resistance ignoring spell above 5th level has a good chance...

"Pushing Kangaxx around, ring of ram exploit
Now here is just a fun one, one that is just too funny....killing kangaxx is almost a chore, these days...the challenge, and the great loot is dropped by his guardians if you have the tactics mod installed, so killing kangy is rather a let down...simply protect the party with protection from undead scrolls, except one mage or sorceror, who uses spell immunity abjuration so you do not get the "unkillable kangaxx" bug from having all members of the party protected from undead, (until the protection wears off, kangaxx cannot see or initiate dialog, so his dialog will not initialize until the protection wears off, no dialog, he cannot be killed) then bash with a weapon until he croaks...but here is a really funny one...if you have jan in your party, and you decide to pick up the ring of gaxx late in the game, so jan has spike traps, do the quest, get all the pieces together, then have jan plant as many traps, spike and regular, in that little platform at the end of the path that goes up to his coffin...once done, have someone equipped with the ring of ram, and trigger kangaxx...after killing his first form, when he transforms into the skull form, have the npc with the ring of ram use the ring on kangaxx...he is damaged, but more importantly, he is pushed among all the traps, which all trigger, insta killing him....i included this fairly trivial bit of cheese for fun, and to illustrate a point..."

or just bunny nuke him....
:p :p :p

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:23 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Originally posted by adventurerkilly
Oh, and it appears that Kangaxx' Demi-Lich form is totally immune to magic. SO don't waste Missiles or whatever, better use summons (such as Mordenkaines or stuff).

works on kangy...(he's actually highly resistant to magic....)

melf minute meteors
energy blades
high level cleric turn undead
+4 weapons or higher...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 3:45 am
by lompo
Originally posted by UserUnfriendly

slayer change, berserker rage, barby rage (Not minsc enrage, i've seen minsc get imprisoned while enraged, i think)

:D :D :D

Are you sure about the barb rage (I think it protects against maze but not imprison)?