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KOTOR unlockables? (Spoilers)

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:41 am
by Red XIII
Are there any unlockables in KOTOR for finishing the game? PLay as Malak or Dark Revan for example? Ive just finished it and I didnt get anything...what a dupe! I wanted badass armour, or cool weapons, or Revans Cloak or something...but nothing?? C'mon! I know we'll be getting extra content download via Xbox Live, but that wont appear for ages!!

PS If anyone is having problems beating Malak ,running away around the upper gantry and laying mines all the way and letting Malak run into them as he chases you, is a sure fire way to beat the ugly bugger! A bit gay I know (not the battle it should be) but, I still beat the bastard!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:44 am
by Mattaeus
No unlockables! none! zero! zip!
You can get Revans armor in place of the Starforge Robes....but thats it. No replay as a super Jedi, no BFG 2000, no alternate costumes or characters to play, no unlimited health or Force, no super cash supply, no Ewoks or Jar Jat Binks shooting gallary, and no Teenage Anakin coming on to the screen whining at you that he was all powerfull........
Atleast not that Iv found :)
Though Im still hoping for the Jar Jar Binks shooting gallary.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 8:41 am
by Obi Wan
Addmitadely, the whole Jar Jar binks thing does sound a bit fun... *plots and schemes to make one*