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Carpenter's Dilemma quest problem

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Carpenter's Dilemma quest problem

Post by insomniac »

I'm going to see Marek so I can help him get his girl, but when talking to him, he won't talk about anything else that bandits? matter what character I use.. help?
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Post by Igneous »


First go to jaroo (the druid who follows the old faith) and talk to him about conversion to the old faith) he will tell you that he needs permission from the st.cuthbert bishop guy, he is located in the church (north west on the town map) enter the church, talk to the guy in armour on the first floor about seeing the bishop, he will say that you need to donate some money first, so do that and then go upstairs, talk to the bishop upstairs about a conversion from st.cuthbert religion n he will say that he will allow it if you convert jakk the leather worker n his family to st.cuthberts. on your way back to the stairs down loot the bookcase to get a bunch of scrolls, get ur sorcorer/wizard to identify these using the read magic spell, until you get a scroll of go to jakks home and talk to him, he will say that he will join st.cuthberts if you can heal the monged one in the house (there are 3 people in the house including jakk, you will know who the monged one is by talkin to him as he will say somethin a bit mental) get your cleric to use the heal scroll on him to cure him, talk to jakk agen and he'll now agree to join st.cuthbert religion. back to the bishop and he will thank you,ask him again about marek's conversion to old faith and he will agree. now go to jaroo the druid guy again and he will agree to convert marek, go and tell marek and the carpenter guy (in the same house) Mission complete :D
Ya lost in mango,man
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