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Some questions, need help bad, its killing me!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Rontu Aru
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Some questions, need help bad, its killing me!

Post by Rontu Aru »

hey guys, been playing toee for quite a while now and now im just a bit confused, i'm not much of a DnD player so i dont know the rules that much, just a bunch of questions for you guys, hope u guys can help out =\

1) What's "ranged touch attack missed"? everytime i cast melfs acid arrow, it doesn't do anything and this message pops up.

2) My EXP for craft armor/weapons doesn't seem to move up for my wizard and for my bard the craft wondrous item EXP doesnt move up either, they are both stuck at 150xp, but for my cleric it keeps going up, its up at around 4000.

3) are the spell feats worth it? like maximize spell and empower spell? it seems that if i use it on like magic missle, it will have to take up a lvl 4 slot, when much of my level 4 spells are a lot more powerful then an empowered magic missile, also, each time i try to add enchantments to the spell my game crashes.

4) what is coup de grace? been searching everywhere for it, no idea wut it is.

5) is there anyway to cure non lethal damage without resting?

i got a lot more questions, just can't think of any right now cuz there are too many :D

thanks a lot guys in advance!
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Post by smass »

1. Ranged attack missed - certain spells such as melfs acid arrow require a "ranged touch attack" to succeed. Basically it means that your spellcaster has to roll a successfull ranged "to hit" against the target of the spell. If you spellcaster fails - he missed and the spell is wasted.

2. I'll let someone else answer this - I dont have a lot of experience with the craft skills

3. Some of the spell feats are very worthwile - they can increase the chance of a spell overcoming resistances, guarantee maximum damage is delivered, and extend the duration of protection spells. I personally have never been a big fan of them - but I really rely on my spellcasters for support and buffing and not a for my main offense.

4. Coup de grace (pronouced coo de gra) is a french word meaning "deliver the killing blow". When an opponent is incapacitated you may choose to deliver a killing blow - this attack will receive bonuses to hit because your opponent cannot defend himself.

5. Curing non - lethal damage - to my knowledge resting is the only way.
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Post by jayjay »

Annoying French Troll


1) As it was stated on this forum, cover affect spell that require a ranged attack roll. Your magic-user will have a better time succeeding with cat's grace and a clear sight of the target (nobody in front). Goes the same for archers.

2) Made potion only until now. Heard the item creation was a little bit broken. Have you tried the patch made by hackers fans.. (the group of eight i think)

3) Offensive spells are crap if you can't harm a magic-resistant lad. penetration (I think) is really worthwhile against such foes. I don't know if they are that much in this game (demons, imps, drows). the area of effect is useful as well.. but you have to be more careful if that fireball/web have a huge area of effect... in ToEE, you can't target outside the dungeon...

4) A note about french

First I don't understand why you guys use french expressions that are meaningless for most of all. :) so a coup de grace is the killing blow, as smass stated... Litterally translated would be mercy blow as in to put someone out of its misery. Grace in french means mercy.

So this thing is not pronounced as its written in the game manual and neither as Smass said (french people would not understand!!)

you have to say: coo the grass(eu)
the e is lightly pronounced in grace, it sound like the final of "the"
if you say this well, I'll let you use a rapier and play mousquetaire with us.

Vive le Québec libre! :)

5) I usually sleep between fights.

"Man who runs before car gets tired.
Man who runs after car get exhausted."
Chineese wisdom
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