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General Question

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:04 am
by soundoff
I know have seen some people talking about stuff not in the game but that is in the regular old pen and paper module. For those people out there that know that really well..what would you guys say are the things that you most miss and wish were in the game....

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:11 pm
by Obike Fixx
Well, first of all I'd like to see some interesting dialogue - although this seems impossible in an Atari produced game :rolleyes:
I'd like to see a tad more interactive objects. I.e cupboard, tables, drawers, bureaus you can search for useable items.
And then some better atmosphere... like the one in PS:T :D
But I am aware that this is undefinable, it's all about taste, I guess.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 3:07 pm
by soundoff
oh man..i thought this would be an interesting topic...noone?? come on guys...lets think

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 6:45 pm
by Ravor
Ok, the three things that I'd like to see most is more activity in the towns, even if that means adding several generic NPCs with nothing important to say ala Baldur's Gate I & II as I'm getting tired of having really pretty backgrounds that are devoid of life, secondly I wouldn't mind more options to tweak in graphics department, given that the really pretty background must be what causes the occasional lag on my computer since I turned the shadows into simple mode (Although the cut screens are unviewable which doesn't make sense given that I've seen just as active cut screens on other games without problem.). And lastly, I would kill for more NPC depth and a longer game (IF I read the overview of the game correctly and I'm not mistaken then this is a pretty short game unless they are already working on an expansion.

*** Oops, better make that four things, if the game is able to set the light changes based off the time why can't it also update the NPCs that are supposed to change places as well?

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:16 am
by OlorinGB
My $0.02:

** OF COURSE ** THe #1 thing I'd like to
get in a patch (yeah, right) / Expansion (might take a year or three...) is an Editor !

I mean, really..
Aside from the editing rage in FirstPerson Shooters (ehr.. I think that in that type of games we've had editors since Quake, unless Marathon pre-dates it :-) ,
in the cRPG field, I think it has been at least 1.5 years (since DungeonSiege and, clearly, NeverwinterNights) that developers have been giving us editors.

Now, how much game time has been added to the cRPG games that have delivered the editors? (A lot, at least for me). How much more value have we got out of the games with editors (A lot). Why isn't TOEE following this trend?

After all, I would think that they'd have an editor to produce the game in the first place...
