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Inside the Temple
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 7:12 am
by stodgel
Once inside the Temple, whether you go in via Rentsch or Wat, can you go back out of the Temple to Nulb or Hommlet, or anywhere else on the world map for that matter? I am in the Earth Temple and I can't seem to find my way back out. Everyone is friendly for a little while but the further I go they start to become hostile.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:03 pm
by Kiwi
No problem leaving; just find stairs (Spoilers)
There are two stairways in and out of the first underlevel from the main temple. One is in the farthest south extension out of the main level's center area that you can reach; the other is the furthest east corner you can get to straight out from the center. The circular stairway near the middle is a mistake for a lower level party to use.
That last way down skips past level one and is a one-way door.
If you have reached Level One and want to find the stairs back out, those are to either end of the south-center to east-center line that defines the pair of corridors running across the lower right side of the map.
Use the map's flag-setting function to put marks on it for things like that.
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:11 am
by AncientGreyelf
Lost in earth temple.Use the map and click on the flags to leave you're trail.The brady book is available in you're local stores,I live in the area and purchased one weeks ago.Although it is porly illustrated.