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The Druids at the Crash Site
Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 12:32 pm
by ArchMagus
im currently at the crash site in the frozen area, now i talked with the druids there and got the panther to let me talk with the leader, now after all that and the panther getting killed, i read im suppose to talk to someone to remove the barrier and somehow make a deal with the druids, but everywhere i go and everyone i talk to, they all start attacking me
how do i do this without fighting the druids
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:56 pm
by Patrick
Did you resolve your encounter with the druids? I noticed there has been no reply in several days. Where you talkig about the folk in the North East or the group in the central Western side?
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 9:25 pm
by Galuf the Dwarf
I think I know what you have to have done, in that case, ArchMagus
IIRC, you had to have a character with both a high Diplomacy skill to speak Illidan (which you did), and also have alot of points in Intimidate (sorry that I don't know how many skill points you need in that
). If you can Intimidate him to let you pass (which, in this case, I don't know what the dialogue option was to make him), you're set to go.
As you can bet, that's not always possible, but your best option, character-wise, would be a Sorceror (since they need high Cha for spell casting, and have them with enough points in Diplomacy and Intimidate) Fighter/Paladin (who would have both Diplomacy and Intimidate as class skills, and high Charisma to make them effective), or a Bard (like the Pallly and Sorc, makes good use of Cha, but like a plain Pally or Sorc, would have Intimidate as a cross-class skill and would not have as many total skill points in the ability). I just thought I'd present you with the information you initially needed, and with some possible options. Hope this all helps.
BTW, what is your party, ArchMagus?
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:50 am
by ArchMagus
well i already passed it
unfortunatly i missed my chance to reason with the druids so i had to kill them all, oh well