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Five Golems

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:18 pm
by davfra
Is there any special way of dealing with these monsters in d`Arnise Keep? I`ve already got the flail of ages, so I don`t really need to attack them, but I would love that bow and the other goodies.
I tried using the search option on here but it comes up with loads of answers which have no bearing on the question.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:35 pm
by Harbinger
Well you should definetely get the loot in this room. Use Haste and invisibility, get in fast grab the three treasures and get out, you should make it without to much difficulty as the largest golem cant fit through the doorway. then if you like wack them with ranged weapons leaving the largest golem for last. Oh you may have to experiment with ranged weapons as only certain items work, I know Tansheron's Bow works but very slowly as it only deals out 1 or 2 points of damage.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:14 pm
by Oogly Mage
I don't know if my method just sounds crazy, but I did it very simply.

Instead of getting the items and running, I attacked the golems preemptivly before they were animated. When you attack them they come alive and go hostile, but this way lets you attack and kill them one by one until you get to the iron golem.

It took me a while how to kill this last giant of a creature but as soon as I figured out that it couldn't fit through the door it was way simpler.

I took the rest of my party out of there and went in with only Nalia, attacked the golem, and ran back through the door. At this point he will simply sit there and the way I found to do damage to him was with the polymorf self spell.

This I think is the fastest way of doing it because the Flinch shapeshift thing can hurt him. I am not sure why but when Nalia attacks as the flinch the melee dmg is nullified but the bonus 1d6 fire dmg is not. So it only took about 30 secs with haste dealing out about 70 dmg before the golem fell.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:16 pm
by VonDondu
Flail of Ages
Originally posted by davfra
Is there any special way of dealing with these monsters in d`Arnise Keep? I`ve already got the flail of ages, so I don`t really need to attack them...
The best way of dealing with the golems is not to fight them all at once. Loot one statue at a time; don't loot the next one until you've dealt with the previously activated golems.

Even when more than one golem is activated, you can still try to deal with them one at a time. Have your party set up an ambush out in the main hallway, and have one party member run in and loot a statue and then run back to the hallway. When the golems come running, let one of them out into the hallway and slam the door behind it. Then you can deal with one golem at a time.

The iron golem is too big to fit through a door, so you can kill it with missile weapons (but it does require +3 weapons). A couple of hasted fighters can also take it down in melee. Personally, I like to "tag-team" the monsters: when one of my party members is badly hurt, I let him retreat and send in a reserve.

Clay golems can only be hit by blunt weapons.

The following is a SPOILER, so be forewarned.

The Flail of Ages can be upgraded by adding extra heads to it. There are three heads in the Keep, one of which is guarded by the golems. They'll attack you if you try to get it.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:06 pm
by Oogly Mage
The Flail of Ages can be upgraded by adding extra heads to it. There are three heads in the Keep, one of which is guarded by the golems. They'll attack you if you try to get it.

Yo vondondu I think you are mistaken about the golems attacking you at the swiping of the flail head. The golems come alive when you try to take the two magical items on the left and right. But if you only open the one with the flail head none will animate.
Also it seems people overlooked my strat of physicaly telling a party member to attack the golem so as to fight them one by one^^. I think that works better than what you were sugesting. You can even surround the stationary golem so when you attack it it will be in a bad position and will die quickly.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:59 pm
by VonDondu
Okay, I just checked. The fire flail head is on the same statue that has the Warhammer +1, +4 vs Giantkin. If you take the hammer, a flesh golem and a stone golem will attack you, but if you take just the flail head and leave the warhammer, the golems won't attack. But how many people who find the flail head leave the hammer behind? :) I always take both and get attacked. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:18 pm
by JackOfClubs
The Iron golem is also susceptible to cloudkill, so if you don't have any missile weapons that can hit him, just cast a cloudkill or two in the room behind him and stand in his line of vision. (If you don't he will wander around randomly and possibly leave the gas cloud.)

Also, I have heard that a cleric under the protection of a Sanctuary spell can loot all three caches without triggering the golems. I believe I have tested this, but I usually just force-attack as UserUnfriendly suggests, so I can't remember if Sanctuary works or not.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:04 am
by nephtu

I always just force attack.

They're not bad even if you go more or less fresh out of Ch.1.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:28 am
by fable
I always summoned several creatures, and lined them up to act as interference in front of all the golems. Then I'd have three of my team standing next to all three items. Where possible, I'd haste any of those three I could, as well. The first would grab an item; I'd pause, then get the second to grab his, while directing the first to the left side of the room, close to the door. I'd now have the second grab his item. Repeat.

With any luck, all three would be moving along a "safe corridor" while the summoned fodder took the brunt of the battle. It required some careful placement, given the way party members tend to gang up like Three Stooges in front of entrances :rolleyes: but once they were out of the room, I'd send them down and then clockwise around the floor rim, joining their companions who were already far along that route. Then, it was just a matter of taking a stairway. (Of course, I made sure this was the last thing I did on that floor, and that I had no more reason to ever go there, again.)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 1:48 pm
by Ekental
There is a much better way to kill that iron golem...
You NEED TO GET AZURE EDGE or RIFTHOME AXE and then give it to a fighter... It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a clue how to use an axe. spark the golem's wrath by looting the middle statue, make sure you have haste and run like hell out of the room.
The dumn iron golem cant fit through that doorway so just lob that axe at him till he drops. I didn't take a single point of dmg and my fighter uses Bsword and Scimatar!

You dont actually need to risk your characters by attacking that golem.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:13 pm
by Oogly Mage
Ya just about any melee weapon that is +3 or more will work, and a few other things. They don't need to be ranged as the golem can't attack you through the door. If you don't have any beefy +3 weapons, you can use poly self. If not that then cloud kill. Whatever. It all works just use what is available to you at the time.

By the way...I am not UserUnfriendly!
Sorry about the confusion as my avatar is the same as his(will be changed momentarily to avoid further error).
I did look into the profile of UserUnfrienly though and I just have to say that I am a great admirer of the Power of Cheese! ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:02 pm
by Ekental
Dunno about the melee thing... the golem attacked me through the door just fine. and It had a cloud around it too that was no fun either. Just use a +3 ranged weapon and take it down and you dont have to worry. Maybe a 2 h sword or spear would work too... dunno about that

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:08 pm
by Oogly Mage
I was using the FLich polymorf self option so i dunno if that gave me extra range but the golem just kept dancing in the doorway and the cloud could not affect me cause I was standing just outside of gas.
Mebe if you are just using a dagger you get a little too close?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:11 pm
by davfra
Well, I killed the small golems one at a time by summoned monsters. Nothing sophisticated - just level 1 and 2.
The big one kept giving me hassle. In the end I used minor spell turning on Aerie and she just waltzed in and took the goodies. The big golem completely ignored her, even though he was in fight mode. Don`t know why it worked, but it did.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:17 pm
by nephtu

A ranged weapon like Azuredge or the dwarven thrower is great for the big golems...unless you have tactics ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 8:54 pm
by JackOfClubs
Originally posted by Oogly Mage
By the way...I am not UserUnfriendly!
Sorry about the confusion as my avatar is the same as his(will be changed momentarily to avoid further error).
Oops. This is actually the 2nd time I made that mistake, but I caught it the first time. You'd think I would learn! :rolleyes:

But about melee vs ranged weapons: it is just barely possible to stand out side of the Iron Golem's reach and still hit it with some melee weapons. I think they have to be of the longer variety (ie halberds, spears, 2-handed swords, etc.) but I am not sure. And it takes a bit of finesse to get the positioning right.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:16 am
by Snoon
Hah! I didn't *need* to fight them, but I always did, I have this obsession about gaining experience. :D

That cloud of gas is the most annoying thing about the Iron Golem. On my second time playing through the game, I found that if I attacked him through the door with melee weapons, he couldn't hit me. I'm on my third time through the game, and it seemed that he could hit me through the door, so I guess it's something to do with your positioning. At any rate, it wasn't too dangerous, since it was easy enough for a member low on health to retreat, since the golem can't follow them through the door. If he made his stupid cloud, I retreated away and waited for it to disappear.

I guess that golems are considered "giantkin" by the game, because the Hammer +1 +4 vs Giantkin damages the iron golem. I also used polymorph self + flind, as someone else already suggested.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:11 am
by Deadalready
I can offer several solutions to your problems


Option 1
Personally I prefer to simply pick out the golems one by one by attacking them first. Flesh golems require +1 or higher, stone +2, Clay blunt +1 and the iron +3. As a note all the golems can be killed by using "Melf's Minute Meteors" and some can be killed with "Tanshiron's Bow".


Option 2
You know that ring of elemental control with +1 to armour and charm air elemental once per day and restore petrification? You find it in the lower levels near the Flail forge.

You can use that on the golems. Just save and with patience you can turn the iron golem into an ally. Bash the other golems into submission and kill off the iron golem through the door if you have to.


Option 3
Shapeshift into flind is kinda nice because it hits as a +3 and adds fire damage, which can hurt the Iron Golem. It is nice to note that the fire elemental does very good damage against the iron golem though can't beat it one on one.


Option 4
Traps can kill any except the clay golems, also many of the golems can be back stabbed to death(!!!)


Option 5
A wand of cloudkill can surprisingly kill any golem, I still find that hard to believe...

Try blocking the door off with invisible party members and stop the other golems running through, unfortunately the cloudkill may hurt your guy but it is probably less than what a golem can do.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 4:42 am
by Coot
Am I the only coward here? I don't fight them. I just get the spoils and run. Send all of your party to the exit leading down. Leave one partymember near the golems and feed him a potion of haste. Grab the loot and run like someone's forcing you to watch a Meryl Streep movie. If you're lucky, none of the golems will will follow you down. Sometimes one will, but one of them will not give you too much trouble.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 5:03 am
by KaaH
Another variation

needed for easy execution
a thief
1 haste (spell, scroll, potion)
1 invisibility
or just one time mislead (blinks between true and impr. invi -> great)

loot from left to right
pause every time when chest content is visible
hide in shadows
on the 3rd chest it may be needed to use invisibility instead of hide in shadow

speed is the key and storing party out of sight

after assembly you have FoA +3 and can beat every golem in there (using tactics already mentioned, or mislead so they don't know what hit 'em)