How could i make Drizzt Do'urden in this game
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:39 am
At first i try to make it but after playing so much i understood that it's very difficult to make this kind of character.Because he must be drow and that means he will gain experince at a slow rate than the common races.Besides that i think it must be at least level one barbarian for rage,level five ranger and level 12-13 fighter.At first there is problem named multiclassing penalty and i didn't see any usefulness between this classes.Ýf he's level 12 -13 fighter that means he could have 3 points in two weapons for gaining +2 damage but it cant be avaible because there is no martial weapon named scimitar.Yes there is a feat named 'using exotic weopons' but Could it be useful like the other one? ý see the scimitar as a large sword in weapons statics so ý took 3 feat points in martial large sword but it doesnt affect any statics in character proporties.Besides that i didnt take feat named ambidextrity and two weapon fighting style becuse he's a ranger and always wears light or no armor but how can ý beat golems or other powerful beasts without wearing armor or wearing studded leather.drizzt didn't use any flail or mace but most of enemies requýres bluedgoning damege not slashing.I dont want to have a professon on the other weapons.Why ? Ýf I have done this,ýt couldnt have been Drizzt.It would be my own charecter.