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Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:59 pm
by Helm
Ok, ok, I know I'm being greedy with this, but just bear with me...

I'm attempting to have a bit of a fun game, my entire party being females, including myself, all romancable and happy script in place for maximin enjoyment.

My only problem thus far is that Aerie still manages to notice other people are after the pc and I have to choose between her or whoever butts in.

Does anyone know how to solve, or avoid entirely, this problem so I'm able to continue with everyone happy?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 6:07 pm
by JackOfClubs
Hmm. I have never tried that mod, but my guess is that they didn't change the dialogue options, just the results. In other words, you still get the dialogue where one lady asks you to choose, but the choice doesn't disable the other ladies' romances.

You can test this hypothesis by making the choice and looking at the ViconiaRomanceActive and JaheiraRomanceActive global variables. If they are 1 or 2 after you choose Aerie, then you are all set. If either or both of them are 3, then my theory is full of it and someone else will have to help.

(Do make sure you have a prior save to revert to. As I say, I really know nothing about this mod; just guessing based on programming experience.)