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Starting Over AGAIN!!
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 11:02 am
by Hazara
My Chaotic good party will not give Mona the Orb...anyone know why or what I can do other than start over
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:31 pm
by AncientGreyelf
Neutral good
I'm having the same problem.But have gone on to the 2nd floor of the temple. I have probably made a few misstakes along the way.most of my party is 10th level now.
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:35 pm
by Hazara
I would go on..but I want to use the storage in the House
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:06 pm
by Tobias
Ah yes Mona. This bug was resolved in the patch I think. Once you get the orb off of Mickey talk to Mona again; one of the options should be to give her it back. Unfortunately if this doesn't work as you say then just move on and complete this quest next time. I've found several quests that you cannot complete due to decisions, especially in the elemental temple i.e. who should he join fire or water? Also some quests do not initiate either due to your chosen path as it were or sometimes because of some minor yet still annoying bugs.
My lawful good party was level ten about level two of the temple. However, my neutral good party is still only level seven at the same point, weird.
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:13 pm
by Hazara
I allready got the patch..My Neutral Party gave her the Orb No problem...could be a post patch problem...cause now theres only 1 option..everytime I try to talk with her she asks what I want and all my toons tell her nothing goodbye.....without completion of the Orb quest I cant get the House ...without the House I get no storage..makes very little sence to go on without haveing a place to store stuff I may need but am not using....if this is because of some path I chose or my alignment or something I can live with that..but if this is another Bug..I am begining to get annoyed
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:02 pm
by Tobias
Use the tower at the moathouse for a base. Once it's clear of the spider it has a chest to keep stuff and is a green area so it's safe for resting. You also can get it early on.
Regarding the conversation: some quests (might be all quests I don't know for certain) cannot finish because of certain choices you take during previous chats with that person. I don't know why this is probobly just a programming oversight. Maybe some bright person at the Council of Eight will code a MOD that will let you tally the flags to reset conversations.
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:26 pm
by AncientGreyelf
I was at the patch site at atari today and they list the fixes for the patch,One was Monas' orb.I haven't downloaded the patch as yet,I am waiting for the good one!