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Double experience?
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:32 pm
by Oogly Mage
Someone had informed me that if you play on the insane level of difficulty that you get more exp than usual. When playing on any difficulty the game still says: "Your party had gained exp #" and the # is the same on every level of difficulty. But maybe it is just saying a predetermined value but the game really gives you more than is says? Can this be confirmed?
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 6:27 pm
by fable
You don't get anymore experience for a kill on one level of difficulty than another. I suspect they were referring to the IWD series, where the Insane Difficulty setting does award you far more experience. But you will certainly find more creatures to fight in BG2 at tougher levels, and those extra kills will ratchet up the experience gained.
Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 11:08 pm
by Oogly Mage
Yup that sounds familiar...They were saying that I should crank up the difficulty to insane and go back and forth between two areas so I could get that "You have been waylayed by enemies and must defend yourself!" stuff for cool items and more exp. Maybe they were saying that if your difficulty is at insane it increases the chance of being pulled over?
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:10 am
by Xyx
I think you only get waylayed by interesting people a set number of times. Once you've clobbered all of them, you just get the same low-level adventurer party, if anything. They have some scrolls you can sell, but that's it.
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 5:05 pm
by Idioteque
Originally posted by fable
You don't get anymore experience for a kill on one level of difficulty than another. I suspect they were referring to the IWD series, where the Insane Difficulty setting does award you far more experience. But you will certainly find more creatures to fight in BG2 at tougher levels, and those extra kills will ratchet up the experience gained.
I believe if you play on easy you get half experience but if you play on normal, hard, insane... you get the same. At least this was the case on Baldur's Gate I.
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 7:17 pm
by Oogly Mage
I think that the encounters in the town are all having to do with some sort of quest or another, but the waylays from the passing between the distant cities are random. The latter of course provides limited exp and minute scrolls.
Minor spoiler
I have however encountered an area in the docks district that allows a large income of gold and experience. This may be regarded as cheese, but if the house of Prebek(the one with the 2 apprentices and the goblins) is entered before the quest of the harpers is obtained, the subjects can be lured out through means of entry and exit. This will result in the bunch protruding from the house and in a fine position for slaughter. However, there is a bug that upon re-entry of the house you will find that the apprentice wizards are still there, at which point they may be lured out once again to create an endless loop.
The loot is after all quite formidable as you acquire about 10000 in experience from the battle itself, and a respectable sum of money from arrows of biting and level six scrolls. The magical items may be used or sold for a reasonably wealthy price. The scrolls may also be used to reel in another admirable amount of exp seeing as they are high level and you get a number of them.
This bug is rather dependent on the way in which the house in question is entered, for if the entire party is pulled into the house it will be cleared of inhabitants as expected. The same can be expected if the items of the fallen residents are not scoured altogether. It is to be kept in mind that if this area is going to be taken advantage of, the time of the exploitation is recommended to be at night, because your little unpleasant engagements with the inhabitants of the house are not going to be taken lightly by the surrounding populace.
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:01 pm
by fable
Originally posted by Idioteque
I believe if you play on easy you get half experience but if you play on normal, hard, insane... you get the same. At least this was the case on Baldur's Gate I.
Not from what I've heard--but you might check that out.