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Help again don't laugh

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:22 pm
by ScionOfNerevar
Again don't laugh at me.

Where is Mournhold Located? I can't find it anywhere.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:31 pm
by UncleScratchy
Hopefully you have the Tribunal expansion pack as Mournhold is part of that game. If you have it loaded you will notice that sometimes when you sleep you get attacked by assassins. If you survive the attack you can read your Journal (just hit the "J" key to bring it up) and see what was posted. It will tell you that you should report he attack to a guard. Talk to a guard and select the dialog for Dark Brotherhood. They will tell you to make out a will and/or pray. They will also give you the name of the visiting Imperial Guard inspector general (so to speak) from Mounhold who happens to be visiting Ebonheart. Go to Ebonheart and seek out this person. He is usually in the area of the steps leading up to the bridge that connects to the palace. Talk to him. He will give you the name of a woman in the palace you is a Guild Guide for Mournhold. Find her in the palace (she walks around but is always in the main entry room) and talk to her. One of the dialog options will have her send you on your way to the otherwise hidden and ellusive Mournhold.