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Bugged in Balrome? Can't advance main quest

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 4:11 pm
by theawakened
I'm playing the Xbox Game of the Year edition of Morrowind.

I'm at the beginning of the game and just talked to the Spymaster. I got my 200 drakes and the journal update to go talk to Hasphat. When I talk to Hasphat, he mentions "favor" in the abstract, but he never tells me what it is exactly that he wants me to do. I've cycled through all of his conversation topics repeatedly and no specific mention of a quest comes up.

Thinking this might be a bug, I began the game over and went directly to the Spymaster and then on to Hasphat. Still nothing. All of the online walkthroughs I've seen say that he is supposed to give me another quest, but I can't access it. My journal definitely indicates I need to talk to Hasphat, and I've exhausted all of the conversation topics with the Spymaster.

Help... ? :confused:

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:17 pm
by tonythetiger693
If you cant find out what the quest is this might not work. Head toward fort moonmoth but proceed up the hill to left just before you get to it and go over the bridge. take an immediate right after killing the annoying guy, and find the little crank off a pipe to open a nearby door. Go inside Arkingthand (however it is spelled) and go the second to bottom floor. Inside after killing the dumb@$$ with the axe, grab the cube on the shelve to the right. If he actually has not given you the quest you will not be able to pick it up. I tried to save myself time while i was in the area before i got the quest and it will not work. see what your journal says to do. :cool: