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I'm Pissed off (a spoiler)

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:10 am
by Nanron LOUM
On level 2 in the temple, I set free the elvin princess and her friend quite some time ago. Since that time, I done quite a bit of cleaning of the temple.

Now last evening, an elf came up to me when I was on the main map and presented me with the reward for freeing the elves. The reward was 100 PP for each player, a unicorn ring (I don't know what it does) and some elvin chain (which I can't find). I'm absolutely pissed off at the fact that I can't find the elvin chain.



Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:46 am
by Tobias
There are three types of elven chain I have found:

I think the GameBanshee website details where these are if not post again and I'll post the locations.

I have had the same problem with the elves there appears to be no chain so I assume it's poor scripting from Atari, there's a lot of that in this game unfortunately.

I have had items disappear when I equip or unequip them not sure why just seems random and doesn't do it that often, I think it was a pair of bracers I acquired.

Sorry no good news for you though.

I'll check on the unicorn ring may be +charisma (?) but i suspect you may be better off selling it like so many other items in this game. Hint: Craft wonderous item/armour etc. is very useful at later levels.

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:29 pm
by Hazara
Check underneath everything in your inventory..2 things can occupy the same slot

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:55 pm
by Nanron LOUM
Two thing can occupy the same spot????

WHERE IS THE PATCH?!!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!

Thanks for the help.


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 3:40 pm
by Tobias
The Atari official site for Temple of Elemental Evil (google) has a patch under 'support' and follow the links. Worked the last time I checked it.

Only multiple items of the same type, (they have to be identified and it only applies to potions/scrolls/bolts/arrows) can stack.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:49 am
by The Bishop

Aye only items of the same type can stack. But "poison" doesn't stack. Thus an easy way to tell if a blue "magic potion" is poison or not is to note the existence of a subscript 1. If it's there, it'll heal ya, if not, it'll hurt.