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WHO Tested this game????
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:32 pm
by Hazara
This game is cursed or something....Problem # 1gig
Escape tunnel doesn't work....I went on both sides and it will not open...this is COMPLETELY Frustrating...I have to walk all the upper levels to get to Dungeon level 3-4...anyone know anything about THIS one
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 3:48 pm
by Tobias
-Forgive the troll-
We test this game. Didn't you know ever since Microsoft got away with patching Windows XP every other week or so, this led games software onto do the same thing. Take Neverwinter Nights etc. comes with a free update package which kinda says were really sorry but didn't have enough time to finish the game proper but well let you download the patches for free. Seems beta testing has gone the way of the dodo. No money for testing before release and very little inclination for most games to patch anyway. Heard somewhere that they now base patches on what turns up in the forums. Mind you with some games e.g. Lionheart, the patch should uninstall the game and refund your bank account<grin>.
-Enough of that-
The escape tunnel. Yes this seems to be another random problem. I've not had any bother with accessing that particular door, either from through the tower or from level three. But some doors like the secret entrance to the moathouse (froggy one) even when you find it using spot etc it doesn't always let you through it. I suspect it may be another minor yet frustrating bug easily solved by a programmer.
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:45 am
by The Bishop
Escape tunnel
No offence intended to them, because they did add some rather nice changes. But tunnels not working, secret doors not being found and similar such problems... are all due to the Circle of Eight patch...
Well at least on my computer they were. I had all those problems, and haven't had any of them after removing Co8.
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 11:17 am
by dblewis
Lots of people complain about bugs but talk is cheap. I waited for the patch to be released before buying this game. As a matter of fact I NEVER BUY any game when first released. The industry standard now seems to be less beta testing and more patch releasing. How else is it that developers are so prepared post patches within a week of game release?
Thanks in advance for all your help in debugging the game so I could install a patch and avoid all the frustrations.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:11 pm
by AikoMiko
I had this problem to. I don't think it's a bug, just a roll of the dice. I PaP D&D, you have to amke a roll to detect hidden doors, that's why they are hidden. I could open the cover to the #rd level entrance to the escape tunnel, but not use it. I used the feat Search(concentrated) with my character with the highest applicable skill levels and then the latter icon appeared when it was officially detected. I don't think you can access it the first time through the tower.
Now, as for the detect hidden doors speel, it doesn't seem to do sh*t except a cool radar effect. I dunno. Anyhow, try it.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:42 pm
by The Bishop
No, this problem is a bug.
Roll history comfirms it.
The secret door has a DC to notice of 0, which means unless you have an intelligence of 7 or lower and you roll a natural 1, you'll find it.
Remember, a 1 is only an automatic fail on an attack roll.
That and roll history doesn't even come up with anything when the bug strikes.
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:28 pm
by AikoMiko
Ah so. Grasshopper stands corrected.
Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:07 am
by fable
It's very hard to release a game as large as the ones we expect these days without at least a few bugs. It's also to be expected that developers might want to tweak game balance in a product once it hits the market, because no matter how large your beta tester base, thousands of players provide a much better sounding board.
That said, within the last year we've been hit by an amazing number of games that appear to have been rushed out the door in time for one of the big marketing seasons. And TOEE, whatever you may think of it, is definitely among the worst. Some of the players compiled a bug list which they posted on the main TOEE boards within a week of it's sale. The list ran to more than four pages.
That said, Troika dealt with the bugs in a timely fashion. But I suspect people who got bitten by the initial release will be a lot more leary of buying unpatched games in the future, and the publisher's need to push a product out the door may ultimately backfire.