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Charm Bug

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:41 am
by Kevka
I fighting a shirne queen in the island with all the werewolfs (TOSC).

The ***** dire charmed my main character, so I dire charmed him back. (His portrait only had the one charm symbol)

I killed the *****, went into a different area and saved.

When the charm symbol disapeared, my character got a red hostile circle (Perminently!).

He didn't attack, he just stood there. I couldn't control him, I couldn't save, I couldn't rest or anything. It ruined my game.

I tried exporting and importing him into a new game. He still had a red Circle!!!.

It ruined my whole character.

What I did: I downloaded "Gate Keeper" program for the net.

Then I made a new character and using the cheat program I made him just like the old one. Same profs, stats and equipment). I also game him a +3 Scimitar, as I felt that I deserved it after losing my game.

That happened to anyone else?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 3:48 am
by unrelated
Yes, it is a known bug. Any party member charmed and charmed back will become hostile once the spell durations have ended.

You can only go to a previous save or you have to fiddle around with certain global variables, but I don't know which ones.

The way to handle charm is to dispell it or to let the duration wear off naturally, so do not charm back your party members.