Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:51 am
by Kevka
I havn't got ToB but I know that Sarevok is a character in it.
I interested on hearing what conversation the main character has with him before he joins. I just can't imagine it.
"Hey bro, sorry I killed ya, wanna join my team and crack some heads?"
"Go on then"
What c'zool stuff does Sarevok have? Any funny abilities?
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:52 pm
by UncleScratchy
SPOILER: Saravok Dialog
SPOILERS: Here you go:
Sarevok: So. You have finally arrived. I have been waiting for you.
Protagonist Sarevok?! Didn't I kill you for the last time in Hell?
Sarevok: You did, indeed...although that was no fault of mine. It was you that summoned me, then, even if the words were my own. I have done nothing but attempt to re-form myself, since.
Sarevok: As you will recall, it is your will that shapes our father's realm...whether you are aware of what you do or not. I myself am nothing, now, but the shadow you see before you.
Protagonist: Where am I, Sarevok? Why have you brought me here?!
Sarevok: I? I did not bring you here, fool. It has taken me long enough to re-form since you last summoned me. You do remember killing me, <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>, yes?
Sarevok: As you will recall, it is your will that shapes our father's realm...whether you are aware of what you do or not. I myself am nothing, now, but the shadow you see before you.
Protagonist: Are you saying that I am in Hell once again?
Sarevok: do not know where you are, do you? You did not come here on purpose?
Protagonist: That doesn't explain what you're doing here.
Sarevok: I wish to make a deal, naturally. I have little to lose, dear '<PRO_BROTHERSISTER>'...and plenty to gain. As do you. And I have waited in your home a considerable time to parley with you.
Protagonist: My home? What are you talking about?
Sarevok: do not know where you are, do you? You did not come here on purpose?
Sarevok: Ha ha! What a bitter irony this is! You who stumble about nearly blind to your true power continue to survive while I, Sarevok, am reduced to this. Bah! Very well, <CHARNAME>...I shall tell you where you are.
Sarevok: You are within our father's abyssal realm, <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>. That plane once ruled by Bhaal and now shaped by the taint present in your soul...but no longer present in mine. You have been here before.
Sarevok: This is a...a cocoon, of sorts. A miniature version of our father's larger realm, sort of a plane-within-a-plane. I assumed your mind formed it to protect you from the power of this place. Rather ingenious, dear <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>...I wouldn't have thought you'd had it in you.
Sarevok: Regardless, I spotted it forming and guessed at its purpose. So I came here and waited, knowing that eventually you would come...and that then we could discuss
Protagonist: What kind of deal? What could *you* want?
Sarevok: What do you think I would want, dear <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>? I wish to exist...I wish to be alive again. You can do that.
Sarevok: The smallest fraction of your soul, my <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>...given freely, with the taint of our dead father within it. That would recreate my flesh, restore my mortality...Sarevok would live again!
Protagonist: And what would I be getting in return for this?
Sarevok: There is the knowledge of how to leave this plane of yours, <CHARNAME>. That is one thing I can give you, although I did not know that when I came here.
Sarevok: No, what I offer you is knowledge that is much more relevant. Something that dates back to my mortal days when I was gaining power within the Iron Throne. Something that you will find...most intriguing.
Sarevok: I know where your destiny lies, <CHARNAME>. I know where you must go to find it. Search about on your own and it will soon be too late...the time of the old prophecies is upon us. Or upon *you*, at least.
Sarevok: What say you?
Protagonist: And just how did you come by this supposed knowledge?
Sarevok: I gathered much of the old lore when I was alive, my <PRO_BROTHERSISTER>. As you will recall, it was my goal to assume the mantle of our father. I am dead, perhaps, but the lore still holds true...for you.
Protagonist: Knowledge? That's all you're offering for a piece of my soul?
Sarevok: Bah! Knowledge is more important than *anything*, fool. And what I ask for is but a spark...a spark of the divine taint within you. I will be no Bhaalspawn, my own taint long gone...but I will be alive again.
Protagonist: Uh-huh. And what's to stop me from just killing you again after you tell me all this?
Sarevok: Nothing, perhaps. Doing so would not return to you that which you freely gave, however.
Sarevok: And what would you kill me for? Revenge? You had your revenge. Do you truly blame my old ambition? I would do the same again, if I could. I cannot, however, and you've nothing to fear in me.
Protagonist: Tell me now and I'll judge whether your information is worth it.
Sarevok: I am no fool. I struggled just to get here after you destroyed me last, and I know that events move on even as we speak. You have no time to learn these things on your own...and I will never get another opportunity such as this.
Protagonist: Is there no other way of restoring you?
Sarevok: Perhaps there is. Any divine spark will do, no matter which of Bhaal's children it comes from. I truly doubt our other dear little sibling, here, has half the courage required, however.
Imoen: He...he's talking about *me*, isn't he? Part of my soul will bring him back to life, too.
Sarevok: Figured that out all on your own, did you? While the thought of harboring a spark of your sugary sweet soul for eternity does not exactly fill me with joy...yes, it would provide just as well.
Imoen: I'm not as 'sweet' as you think, Sarevok. And you don't deserve a second chance at life! You killed Gorion!
Sarevok: I killed far more than he, dear Imoen, in the course of my ambition. Ask yourself how many you have killed...or <CHARNAME>. Are you so innocent? Was Gorion? I ask for no forgiveness.
Imoen: Nor would you get it! I...I don't know, <CHARNAME>. He doesn't deserve life. But...if it's important...I'll give up part of my soul. You saved mine from Bodhi, you shouldn't have to sacrifice again.
Protagonist: If you're certain, then do it. This is important.
Sarevok: Ah, so <CHARNAME> finds someone to take the blow for <PRO_HIMHER>. Are you sure, child? You cannot turn about later and claim <CHARNAME> was using you. It must be of your own free will.
Imoen: I would lay down my life for <CHARNAME>, and more. In an instant. Always. Maybe one day, 'brother', you'll understand what that means.
Sarevok: With a spark of you within me, I have little doubt I'll be prancing gaily through flower fields before the season is over. Regardless, I'll take that as a yes.
Sarevok: Your own sacrifice will not be forgotten, Imoen.
Protagonist: No, Imoen. I won't allow you to give up part of your soul for me.
Sarevok: There is no other way, <CHARNAME>, unless you have another Bhaalspawn about that I am unaware of. It is your spark or nothing. Choose.
Protagonist: Very well. Then I suppose I will allow Imoen to do it.
Sarevok: Ah, so <CHARNAME> finds someone to take the blow for <PRO_HIMHER>. Are you sure, child? You cannot turn about later and claim <CHARNAME> was using you. It must be of your own free will.
Imoen: So be it. I agree.
Sarevok: So I have cheated death! Thank you, dear <PRO_BROTHERSISTER> gift could please me more.
Sarevok: Well, if it isn't my dear little sister. Tell me, little one...are you still prancing about, pretending that you are a thief? Do you think yourself worthy of carrying Bhaal's blood in your veins?
Imoen: No more worthy than you, 'brother'. And I've learned things since we last met that you couldn't begin to dream of.
Sarevok: Oh? I wouldn't know about that. Spend your time in the Abyss, girl, dead and destroyed...and we'll see just what sorts of dreams you have then. I'd wager you'd wilt like a flower in the heat.
Imoen: So why don't you go back to being just dead and stop bothering us? I hope <CHARNAME> leaves you to rot!
Sarevok:! Flesh and blood and bone! I am alive! Ha ha! I swore I would scratch and crawl my way back into the world of the living...and I have done it!
Sarevok: Though my sword and armor have not appeared. No matter. Without the Bhaal essence to channel their powers, they are of little use. I shall make do without them, as I once did. Thank you, <CHARNAME>. I am pleased.
Protagonist: Don't thank me. Thank Imoen.
Sarevok: Certainly. Thank you, little sister. While it must gall you to no end, I shall treasure your tiny spark within me.
Imoen: Hmph. You'd better. I don't...feel any differently, though. Somehow I thought I would.
Sarevok: Did I not say it was only an insignificant portion? I suspected that doing it here, in this place, it might work...but I was not sure. It is good to see that I was correct after all.
Imoen: You weren't *sure*? That was quite a risk.
Sarevok: I did not get to where I did in life without risk, fool. It was no bluff...I knew enough to suspect that it might work, since our heritage was the same. But none of that is important. I imagine you are eager to hear what I have to say.
Sarevok: The first thing I shall tell you of is how to leave this pocket plane that you have created. It is an extension of your will, <CHARNAME> exists because you need it to exist.
Protagonist I held up my side of the bargain, Sarevok. Now tell me what you know.
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:02 am
by Kevka
Thanks m8