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Solo Sorceror - The End (verry very little spoiler)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:14 pm
by FilipeTeles
i just want to post her that i finished my solo sorcerer
i finished the game at lvl33(xp cap,not tob)lots of spells a lot of im working in a mage(folows de path of elmonster),an today i made a kensai mage with korgan,keldorn,edwin,jan
very good party
if some1 wants the saved file post your e mail here...before i go i want do ask 2 questions

first=>>>with my new kensai mage(non solo)i saved a game and killed about 5 times de cowled wizards,than the high members come to kill me but i win,its safe to continue???

second=>>>greater restoration restore your spells??

cya peace

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 12:00 am
by Ekental
I think I can reply to both
Greater Restoration will restore simulcrum to your level but WONT restore your spells I dont think

If you kill the highest level cowled wizards (i.e when they say "we have brought our most poweful mages to..." blah blah) and win you will never have to worry about the cowled wizards again... heheh it's safe after that

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:03 pm
by FilipeTeles
thnk you

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:04 pm
by JackOfClubs
Originally posted by Ekental
Greater Restoration will restore simulcrum to your level but WONT restore your spells I dont think
Quite right.